HC Deb 30 June 1981 vol 7 cc686-7
6. Mr. Dobson

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many under 25-year-olds in Greater London are (a) currently unemployed and (b) have taken part in the youth opportunities programme and other special measures.

Mr. Peter Morrison

At 9 April, the number of people under 25 years of age registered as unemployed in Greater London was 91,652. In 1980–81, 10,600 young people in Greater London participated in the youth opportunities programme and a further 1,400 young people under 25 benefited from other special measures.

Mr. Dobson

Does the Minister accept that there may well be 140,000 to 150,000 young people unemployed in London? What will he do about that? Does he intend only to refer to programmes that the Prime Minister—when she was Leader of the Opposition—used scathingly to call "non-jobs"? Does the hon. Gentleman accept that if such opportunities are treated as "non-jobs", there are about 110,000 unemployed young people in London?

Mr. Morrison

I do not accept the hon. Gentleman's figures. I cannot anticipate the level of unemployment among young people in London or in any other pall of the country. I am sorry that the hon. Gentleman appears to sneer at the youth opportunities programme.

Mr. Peter Lloyd

Will my hon. Friend confirm that the Civil and Public Services Association is still vetoing the creation of YOP job experience places in Government offices? Is that not a callous attitude by a union that has largely been insulated from the unemployment and redundancies of the private sector? Will the Government act unilaterally and trust in the good sense and generosity of the overwhelming majority of rank and file civil servants?

Mr. Morrison

We very much regret that some Civil Service unions are not convinced of the value of the youth opportunities programme, despite the TUC's wholehearted support.

Mr. Christopher Price

Does the hon. Gentleman accept that the figures that he read out are extremely important in relation to the problems that Lord Scarman is trying to defuse in Brixton?

Mr. Morrison

Any figure showing the number of unemployed young people is extremely important. That is why my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State has put all his weight behind the youth opportunities programme.