HC Deb 25 June 1981 vol 7 cc368-9
9. Mr. Peter Fraser

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what initiatives he proposes to take during his term as President of the Council of Fisheries Ministers.

Mr. Peter Walker

My prime objective will be to secure overall agreement on a satisfactory common fisheries policy.

Mr. Fraser

In view of the considerable success that my right hon. Friend has had in the past two years in setting up bilateral talks on fishing matters with other members of the Community, does he think that there will be an opportunity during his Presidency to embark on important bilateral talks on fishing with the new French Government; and, if so, what prospects of success can he hold out?

Mr. Walker

Immediately after the formation of the new French Government, following the presidential elections, I wrote to the new French Minister responsible for fishing expressing my eagerness to have talks with him on these matters. I hope that now that the National Assembly elections are over and the new Government have been confirmed bilateral talks will quickly take place.

Mr. James Johnson

Will the right hon. Gentleman look again at the answer given to my hon. Friend the Member for Kingston upon Hull, Central (Mr. McNamara)? Is he aware that there are half a dozen vessels fishing for mackerel at certain times of the year, compared with 146 from my constituency that formerly fished in all waters of the Arctic? The same tale can be told of Fleetwood and other ports. Will the Secretary of State make this an important item in his armoury when he assumes office? We have to get third party agreements. We have to get access to distant waters.

Mr. Walker

We are not alone in Europe in wanting to get third country agreements ratified and agreed as quickly as possible. The more rapidly we reach a conclusion on a common fisheries policy, the better it will be for the whole of Europe, and certainly for Hull.

Mr. McQuarrie

Before my right hon. Friend takes up the Presidency of the Fisheries Council, will he examine the problem of very small fishing vessels, which did not feature in the last financial aid granted by the Government? Will he consider also the question of possible EEC aid for fish processing factories that need to replace machinery that is now obsolete because of conservation measures adopted by the Government?

Mr. Walker

My hon. Friend, who has a keen interest in these matters, knows that the aid package introduced by the Government was directed to small ships. It was also a package that had been employed previously and had proved of tremendous benefit to the fishing industry. We are constantly examining the position of processors.

Mr. Maclennan

In an earlier answer the Minister of State spoke of the pressure that the Government were putting on the Commission with regard to the disruptive impact on our domestic market of third country imports. What are the right hon. Gentleman's proposals for avoiding this situation in future?

Mr. Walker

This is one area where the Commission is not being successful in seeing that the reference price is observed. If that were done, it would make a terrific difference. We have given the Commission details of cases where it has not been observed. The Commissioner has promised that he will take action to see that it is observed. If that promise is fulfilled the situation will be greatly improved.

Several Hon. Members


Mr. Speaker

Order. This matter comes up again shortly.