HC Deb 17 June 1981 vol 6 cc1113-4
Mr. Shaw

I beg to move amendment No. 2, in page 4, line 15, after 'subsection', insert whom the applicant knows to be such a person and'.

Mr. Deputy Speaker

With this we may take Government amendment No. 18.

Mr. Shaw

This further amendment to the one that I moved in Committee is needed to clarify the position on notifying owners of land to which a planning application for mineral extraction relates. Under the clause as it stands it is possible for a mineral operator making an application to be unaware of the name and address of the owner of the land, yet to have that information through knowing the owner in another capacity. For example, the owner may be a customer and his name and address may appear on the books as such. The amendment ensures that an operator who signs a certificate in good faith saying that he does not know the owner of the land is not subsequently found to be in the wrong through no fault of his own. That has always been our intention, but the amendment is needed to make that clear.

Amendment agreed to.

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