HC Deb 15 July 1981 vol 8 c1171
12. Mr. Donald Stewart

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what conditions he will lay down for resumption of herring fishing in the North-West.

Mr. Younger

Although the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea has now decided to recommend a resumption of this fishery, no firm decisions on management arrangements can be taken until the timing and extent of any fishery have been discussed by the Council of Ministers.

Mr. Stewart

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that yesterday the masters of two West German vessels appeared in Stornoway sheriff court in connection with a catch of herring valued at £61,000? Local boats are not allowed to take a single fish. Does he agree that this pinpoints the necessity for the regulations, the rules and the control requested by fishermen's organisations if herring fishing is not to end up with the same chaos and illegal fishing as mackerel fishing?

Mr. Younger

I agree with the right hon. Gentleman and express my congratulations to our fishery protection service on catching these vessels and bringing them into Stornoway to face British justice.