HC Deb 13 July 1981 vol 8 cc794-5
16. Mr. Delwyn Williams

asked the Secretary of State for Wales what proportion of those unemployed in Wales is under 25 years; and what are the comparable figures for the United Kingdom and for other European Economic Community countries.

Mr. Nicholas Edwards

In April 1981 36.1 per cent. of those registered as unemployed in Wales were under 25 years of age. For the United Kingdom, the figure was 36.3 per cent. These figures lie in the mid range of the broadly comparable figures for European Community countries. With permission, I shall circulate the details in the Official Report.

Mr. Williams

Is my right hon. Friend aware that the figures show a more rosy picture on a European scale than we are led to believe is the position according to Opposition Members? Does he not feel that Britain is more than holding its own in the recession, and that Wales in particular, as revealed in today's exchanges, is coming out of the recession rather well?

Mr. Edwards

I do not take a great deal of consolation from the fact that other countries are also suffering from the recession. It is, however, true that in a number of leading European countries the percentage of unemployed under the age of 25 is higher than in this country.

Mr. Alec Jones

Does the right hon. Gentleman agree that unemployment of 36 per cent. among those under the age of 25 should not be described by anyone in the House as a "rosy picture"? Does he agree that the figure is the greatest condemnation of all the Government's policies? It denies these young people not only a job but any opportunity. Worst of all, it now denies them any hope. The best thing would be for the Secretary of State for Wales to go before he causes any further damage.

Mr. Edwards

Before the right hon. Gentleman gets too excited, I can inform him that the proportion of unemployed aged under 25 in April 1979, when, I think, he claimed some responsibility for what was happening under the then Labour Government, was 35 per cent. against the 36 per cent. today.

Mr. Rowlands

How many people?

Mr. Edwards

It ill becomes the right hon. Gentleman to indulge in such cant and hypocrisy.

Mr. Rowlands

How many?

Mr. Wigley

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware of the hopelessness facing so many young people leaving school? Is he aware that there is nothing for them to work towards when there are no jobs available? Is he also aware that that gives a sense of despair and hopelessness, which is causing so much unrest at present? His answer is unacceptable to the young people of Wales.

Mr. Edwards

That is why we are taking vigorous measures to restore the health of the economy. That is why we have increased substantially the youth opportunities programme and why we are now considering further measures to this end. The hon. Gentleman cannot have it both ways. He cannot complain about the scale of the problem and also complain when the Government put forward measures to deal with it.

Mr. Best

Will my right hon. Friend acknowledge that youth unemployment is perhaps the most serious form of unemployment in so far as it projects worrying trends for the future welfare of the nation? Will he continue to ensure that adequate resources are made available through the youth opportunities programme and also work with my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Employment towards a more unified vocational training scheme for young people, so that they will be better suited for any variety of jobs that may appear in the future?

Mr. Edwards

I agree entirely with all that my hon. Friend said. In the next year or two we have to move towards the kind of unified training schemes of which my hon. Friend speaks, so that we can make the most effective use of the resources available to tackle the problem.

Following is the information:

Proportion of Total Unemployed Under 25 Years of Age April 1981 (Unless otherwise stated)
per cent.
France 39.5
Italy 49.7
Netherlands 42.1
Belgium 35.4
Luxembourg 48.4
Ireland 26.1
Denmark 31.0
Germany *21.8
*Figures relate to March 1981.

Main Source: Eurostat "Unemployment" Bulletin.

The figures are not fully comparable owing to differences between the countries in statistical definitions and methods of compilation.