HC Deb 10 July 1981 vol 8 c764

Lords amendment: No. 8, Divide Clause 11 into two Clauses, the first (Power of district and islands councils to control noise in the countryside) consisting of page 9, lines 1 to 26, and the second (Extension of powers of rangers) consisting of page 9, lines 27 to 35.

Mr. Peter Fraser

I beg to move, That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said amendment.

In attempting to curry favour in another place I thought that I had so organised the layout of the Bill that it would fall in with the recommendations of the Committee chaired by Lord Renton. However, I regret to say that in one particular I failed. In clause 11 we have failed so to organise the provisions of the Bill and, as might be expected, that point was picked up in another place. That is all that the amendment relates to. It is not a point of substance, but simply a matter of layout.

I thank my sponsors for supporting me, and I thank the noble Lord Selkirk, who piloted the Bill through the other place for me. I am most grateful to them for their support. The Bill will be of substantial value to Scotland and to its people in obtaining regulated access to the enjoyment of the Scottish countryside.

Mr. Henderson

On behalf of Conservative Members, may I say how much we appreciate the considerable efforts that my hon. Friend the Member for South Angus (Mr. Fraser) has made to put this significant measure on the statute book. It emphasises his concern for the countryside, for those who live and work there and for those who seek to enjoy it. The House has greatly benefited from my hon. Friend's considerable professional legal understanding. He has gone through a jungle of related measures. We appreciate the force of his personality and the way in which he has persuaded us all to accept this Bill, which has made speedy progress through the House.

Question put and agreed to.