HC Deb 07 July 1981 vol 8 c256
12. Mr. Allen McKay

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what help and guidance he is giving to local authorities which are engaging in campaigns to increase the take-up of benefits.

Mrs. Chalker

We regard such help and guidance as vital to such campaigns. I am pleased that the Association of Metropolitan Authorities has stressed to its members the importance of co-operation with my Department. We, in our turn, have asked local management to become actively involved in any campaigns organised in their areas. We hope that any campaigns will be closely targeted.

Mr. McKay

I thank the Minister for that reply because it represents a different attitude from that previously taken by the Ministry. Will she congratulate the city of Sheffield on its initiative? Will she encourage closer co-operation, since that is to the benefit not only of the recipients but of the relationship between local and national government?

Mrs. Chalker

I am glad that Sheffield has taken up the campaign. I understand that it will operate through a local authority newspaper. There is close contact with our local management so that the campaign can be targeted towards the people who are entitled to benefit. It will help to increase take-up.

Mr. Cryer

Does the Minister recognise that local authorities are suffering from the depredations carried out by the Secretary of State for the Environment and are very short of money? Is she aware that Labour-controlled Bradford has embarked upon a scheme of informing people about their welfare rights? Will she find some money to help local authorities practically to embark on such schemes, because they are proving to be of real benefit?

Mrs. Chalker

Local authorities must determine their Own expenditure priorities. It is not a matter for central Government. How a local authority decides on individual priorities must be a matter for that local authority. The efforts made to improve take-up of one-parent benefit and family income supplement are fully supported by my Department. We shall do what we can to improve that take-up.