HC Deb 23 December 1981 vol 15 cc986-7
30. Mr. Wrigglesworth

asked the Minister for the Civil Service what proportion of the time of the Minister of State, Treasury, will be spent dealing with Civil Service functions of the Management and Personnel Office.

The Minister of State, Treasury (Mr. Barney Hayhoe)

Whatever time is necessary to enable me to discharge my duty to answer in this House for these functions.

Mr. Wrigglesworth

Is it not unsatisfactory that the Minister should be answering for a Department for which he has no responsibility? Should not the Prime Minister, as it is her Department, come to the House to answer Civil Service questions? How are the Civil Service affairs being run by the Department, the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster being co-ordinated, properly run and answered for in the House?

Mr. Hayhoe

It is not unusual for junior Ministers to speak on matters for which they do not have day-to-day responsibility. I speak with the full authority of both my right hon. and noble Friend the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and my right hon. Friend the Minister for the Civil Service.

Mr. Ward

During my hon. Friend's busy day, will he find time to discuss with the Civil Service Department alternatives to index-linked pensions, which are causing tremendous resentment in the private sector?

Mr. Hayhoe

The Scott committee reported on that matter. It is an especially complicated issue, which the Government are considering. I hope that the Government's views will be made available to the House shortly.

31. Mr. Canavan

asked the Minister for the Civil Service if she will list the functions of the Management and Personnel Office and any other Civil Service functions for which the Minister of State, Treasury, is responsible on behalf of the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.

Mr. Hayhoe

As my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister made clear on 12 November, I answer in this House for Management and Personnel Office matters, for which the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster has day-to-day responsibility. Details of the MPO's functions are set out in the note placed in the Library by the Prime Minister. Otherwise, I am not responsible for Civil Service functions on behalf of my right hon. and noble Friend.

Mr. Canavan

If the Minister has any responsibility for industrial relations within the Civil Service, will he have a word with the Lord Advocate about the stupid decision to prosecute a Civil Service trade union leader under the Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act 1875 for his activities during the Civil Service strike earlier this year? Does the Minister realise that the prosecution is having such a damaging effect on industrial relations within the Civil Service that most of Scotland's 50,000 civil servants staged walk-outs and demonstrations last week?

Mr. Hayhoe

I have responsibility for industrial relations in the Civil Service, but I carry no responsibilty for prosecutions in Scotland or, indeed, in England, Wales or Northern Ireland. Those are matters for the legal authorities.

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