HC Deb 28 April 1981 vol 3 cc648-9
Q2. Mr. McNally

asked the Prime Minister when next she intends to visit Greater Manchester.

The Prime Minister

I have no immediate plans to do so.

Mr. McNally

When the Prime Minister does have plans to do so, will she visit the new Salford jobcentre which is already dubbed by locals, "Maggie's Joke Shop"? Will she accept that it is a pretty sick joke for her and her Ministers to start talking about an upturn and better days ahead when every responsible commentator thinks that the Government are committing areas such as Greater Manchester to a further 1 million unemployed and the destruction of their industrial base?

The Prime Minister

I am just as anxious as the hon. Gentleman to see genuine jobs created in this country. They will be created only when industry and commerce start up or expand, so creating either goods or services which people in this country or overseas will buy. However much the hon. Gentleman tries, he cannot get away from that fact.

Mr. Montgomery

Is my right hon. Friend aware that the Conservative-controlled Greater Manchester council has reduced the rates by 5p in the pound this year? Is she aware that the programme put forward by the Labour Party there is extremely expensive and that it would mean an enormous rise in rates with consequent loss of jobs? Would not the electors be well advised to keep Greater Manchester out of the red?

The Prime Minister

I join my hon. Friend in congratulating the Greater Manchester council on reducing its rate by 5p in the pound. It is clearly aware that sharp increases in rates cost jobs.

Mr. Charles R. Morris

Reverting to the question of unemployment in Greater Manchester, will the Prime Minister give her attention to the scandal of unemployment among young people, particularly in the city of Manchester? Is she aware that with unemployment at its current appalling level, 40 per cent. of those unemployed in Manchester are under 25 years of age? Is she aware of the sense of rejection and frustration to which this situation gives rise? What will she do about it?

The Prime Minister

It is precisely because the Government are aware of the grievous problems as they affect young people that we have put our priorities into the youth opportunities programme, so that all those young people who leave school during the summer term will be promised some work experience by the following Christmas——

Mr. Skinner

Real jobs?

The Prime Minister

I know that some industries and a number of those engaged in commerce are coming forward with real work experience opportunities. Real jobs can be created not by people muttering from the Front Bench below the Gangway—which is easy—but by creating the sort of conditions under which expansion can take place——

Mr. Skinner


The Prime Minister

—and producing goods that even the hon. Gentleman may buy.

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