HC Deb 28 April 1981 vol 3 cc639-40
8. Mr. Eggar

asked the Secretary of State for Employment whether he is satisfied with progress on implementing community enterprise schemes.

Mr. Peter Morrison

Applications to sponsor schemes under the new community enterprise programme have more than doubled during the past eight weeks.

Mr. Eggar

Is my hon. Friend aware that there is widespread support for the scheme? Is he convinced that sufficient priority is being given to ensuring that the jobs created will become permanent jobs within the private sector, if that is possible?

Mr. Morrison

I am aware of widespread support for the scheme. Like my hon. Friend and the MSC, I believe that what matters is that there should be real jobs in the future.

Mr. Alton

Does the Minister agree that there is a need to distinguish between genuine community enterprise schemes and schemes that masquerade under that title, such as the youth training projects in Brixton and Liverpool? Will he give the House his views on the Workers' Revolutionary Party, which has put out leaflets advertising courses such as needlework, drama and cookery without saying who promotes them?

Mr. Morrison

In a recent debate the hon. Gentleman raised a point about the Workers' Revolutionary Party and I agreed that I had no sympathy with it. As regards the community enterprise programme, the MSC is concentrating on well-run schemes of community benefit.

Mr. Greville Janner

Does not the Minister agree that one of the best ways—and in the long run, the only way—of dealing with all revolutionary parties is to remove the misery from which their support grows? Is he aware that in places such as Leicester the community enterprise scheme is doing a good job on minimal funds and could absorb at least treble the number of people? What will the Government offer by way of resources to help people to do the job?

Mr. Morrison

I am glad to hear that the community enterprise programme is doing a good job in Leicester. As the hon. and learned Gentleman will realise, compared with preceding schemes, the number of places has already doubled.