HC Deb 14 April 1981 vol 3 cc145-6
13. Mr. Farr

asked the Secretary of State for Defence what new co-operation is taking place with the United States Government to promote the further development of the Harrier aircraft.

16. Mr. Adley

asked the Secretary of State for Defence if he is yet able to make a statement on the future of the Harrier.

Mr. Pattie

During the recent visit to the United States by my right hon. Friends the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Defence, the United States Secretary of Defence confirmed that the United States Administration supported the development and production of the Harrier AV8B and that proposals were before Congress to fund it. In the light of those discussions we are hoping to reach decisions soon on the RAF's requirement for an improved version of the Harrier.

Mr. Farr

The House will welcome that. What prospect is there of producing the supersonic VTOL aircraft by the mid-1990s?

Mr. Pattie

I hope that it will be possible, when the decision to which I referred in my answer is made, to include some reference to the advanced programme.

Mr. Adley

In view of the last half century's history of exploitation by the United States of the United Kingdom's aviation technology, when my hon. Friend reaches the decision will he please give top priority to maintaining an adequate research and development capability among the highly skilled people of Britain?

Mr. Pattie

That is the importance of the advanced programme to which my hon. Friend the Member for Harborough (Mr. Farr) referred.

Mr. Snape

How does the Minister compare the relative merits of the British Mark V with the United States AV8B? Does not the British version use less fuel, and have better manoeuvrability, greater speed and payload and a longer range? Is it not about time that the Government decided to do what they always say they will do, and buy British?

Mr. Pattie

Before the hon. Gentleman nails his colours too firmly to the mast he should be aware of the considerable industrial benefits that will accrue to Britain if we are part of a programme involving almost 400 orders.