HC Deb 03 April 1981 vol 2 c619
Mr. Nigel Spearing (Newham, South)

On a point of order, Mr. Speaker. I have given the Leader of the House notice of my point of order.

During business questions yesterday, the Leader of the House said that he intended to move the motion for the Easter Adjournment on Monday. He also announced that during that evening, subsequent to that debate, which usually finishes at about 8 pm, there would be debates on the remaining stages of the Insurance Companies Bill, and on financial assistance to International Computers Ltd., in which many hon Members have an interest and will wish to speak. At the end of the day there is to be a debate on the EEC document on research and development in biomolecular engineering—a subject of importance to universities and science. It appears that that debate could take place at about 5 am. Is it right for the proper discharge of our duties that we should debate such a subject at such a time? Perhaps the Government will comment on that.

Mr. Speaker

I allowed the hon Gentleman to make his point. It should really have been made yesterday during business questions. He could then have asked a question when the Leader of the House was present.