HC Deb 28 October 1980 vol 991 cc205-6
Mr. Allen McKay

I beg to ask leave to move the Adjournment of the House, under Standing Order No. 9, for the purpose of discussing a specific and important matter that should be given urgent consideration, namely, British Rail's proposed closure of the passenger service link between Sheffield and Huddersfield and the freight-passenger service via the Woodhead line. Trade unions, local authorities, chambers of commerce, transport groups, environmental associations and Members of this House and the other place have consistently questioned the wisdom of the closures and the economic reasons for them. The closure of the passenger service will bring great hardship to many people. More than 200 of my constituents have protested against the proposals. Some of these people came to Penistone, which is an expanding area. purely and simply because of the rail link with Sheffield. It is also feared that this closure is only the beginning of a whole closure programme.

As for the freight line, in 1965 British Rail selected this line for long-term development withdrawing the passenger service in 1966. Now it seems that for short-term gain British Rail is drawing back from this long-term commitment. In doing so , it could be putting in jeopardy the marshalling yards attached to this line, involving hundreds of jobs.

British Rail proposes to dispense with the well-maintained signalling system and the only route across the Pennines that will take 8ft 6in container traffic It is a continuous modern track and there is the chance of a future electrified line linking London to Manchester via Sheffield.

The analysis by British Rail of the reasons for the closure is disputed by the rail unions and this has not been discussed. If we are to build up this area, industry is in need of the rail link. British Rail says that there is no need for a public inquiry because this is a freight line, but in fact its own timetables show that at the weekend this line is used for passenger services. These and many other questions must be discussed and can be if my application is granted.

Mr. Speaker

The hon. Member for Penistone (Mr. McKay) gave me notice before 12 noon that he would seek to move the Adjournment of the House for the purpose of discussing a specific and important matter, namely, British Rail's proposed closure of the passenger service link between Sheffield and Huddersfield and the freight-passenger service via the Woodhead line. The hon. Member has brought to our notice a matter which is of considerable importance, but I fear that, I cannot rule that his submission falls within the provisions of the Standing Order. Therefore, I cannot submit his application to the House.