HC Deb 06 May 1980 vol 984 cc169-234

Motion made, and Question put.

That, at this day's sitting, the Port of London (Financial Assistance) Bill may be proceeded with, though opposed, until any hour.—[Mr. MacGregor.]

The House proceeded to a Division

Mr. Arthur Lewis(seated and covered) (Newham, Northwest)

On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker. With great respect, I thought that I heard only one voice shouting " No " when you put the Question. I understood that the Chair had to hear at least two voices. Perhaps you thought that there were two. I thought that there had to be two to provide two Tellers for the "Noes".

Mr. Deputy Speaker (Mr. Bryant God-man Irvine)

The hon. Gentleman is not correct in his assumption. If there is an objection to the motion, the Chair is entitled to put the matter to the test.


Mr. Deputy Speaker

The Question is the business motion. As many as are of that opinion say "Aye".

Hon. Members


Mr. Deputy Speaker

To the contrary "No". The " Ayes " have it.

Question accordingly agreed to.

  1. PORT OF LONDON (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) BILL 23,103 words, 2 divisions
    1. Clause 2
      1. cc232-4
      2. SHORT TITLE 556 words