HC Deb 02 June 1980 vol 985 cc1022-3
4. Mr. Roy Hughes

asked the Secretary of State for Wales if he will take steps to allocate more funds for the provision of industrial sites in Newport, Gwent.

Mr. Nicholas Edwards

On 4 February I announced a special allocation of £48 million over the next two years for industrial development work in the broad areas of Port Talbot and Newport. It is not possible to allocate further additional funds.

Mr. Hughes

Does the Secretary of State appreciate that the development of new sites in Newport is imperative if the town is to withstand the massive loss of jobs caused by steel closures? Does the right hon. Gentleman also appreciate that it is vitally necessary to attract new industry to the area, not only for Newport itself, but for the whole of South-East Wales? Will the Secretary of State at least give a bit of hope to the people there in these dismal times?

Mr. Edwards

As the hon. Gentleman is aware, we have announced a major programme covering the whole of South-East Wales. I am glad that he referred to it in those terms because the development that we have announced at Cwmbran is relevant. There are about 100 acres being acquired and developed immediately in Newport and almost 200,000 sq ft of factory space is being developed in the Newport area by the WDA under this programme.

Mr. Hooson

As well as recognising the particular needs of Newport will my right hon. Friend also press on with the search for industrial sites in the great region of Blaenau-Gwent?

Mr. Speaker

Order. That is a separate question altogether. It should be on the Order Paper.

Mr. Alan Williams

Does the Secretary of State recollect that it is now a full six months since I and some of my hon. Friends met him and the Secretary of State for Industry to ask for an upgrading of assisted area status as a result of possible redundancies at Margam and Llanwern——

Mr. Speaker

Order. The same ruling applies to the right hon. Gentleman. This question deals with industrial sites at Newport, Gwent. If there is a question about Margam, it should be on the Order Paper.

Mr. Williams

On a point of order, Mr. Speaker. May I make the point that the industrial sites at Newport are highly relevant because I am talking about the link between Margam and Llanwern?

Mr. Speaker

Order. The right hon. Gentleman is wrong. My interpretation is that this is Newport, Gwent. Margam is a separate question and must be put down on the Order Paper.

Mr. Williams

Llanwern is not.

Mr. Speaker

The right hon. Gentleman did not say Llanwern; he said Margam.

Mr. Williams

Further to that point of order, Mr. Speaker——

Mr. Speaker

Order. I am not taking points of order during Question Time. I shall take points of order afterwards.

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