HC Deb 01 July 1980 vol 987 cc1282-4
4. Mr. Trippier

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many delegations he has seen on behalf of community health councils.

The Minister for Health (Dr. Gerard Vaughan)

I have met the Association of Community Health Councils for England and Wales twice, and my right hon. Friend is to meet it again on 8 July. I have also had a very large number of representations from individual community health councils both when they have come to see me and on visits I have made up and down the country.

Mr. Trippier

Can my hon. Friend tell the House what percentage of the representations that he has received has been in favour of the continuation of CHCs in some form and what percentage has been against? Will he also inform the House when he, or his right hon. Friend, intends to make a comprehensive statement as to their future?

Dr. Vaughan

The majority of the representations have been about individual hospital problems and closures but in answer to "Patients First" we have received almost 5,000 replies about the future of CHCs. The replies from voluntary bodies, individual members of the public and CHCs themselves show strong support for retaining them. Local authorities and health authorities were much more divided. We are in no doubt about the strength of feeling about retaining CHCs, but I must ask the House to wait until my right hon. Friend makes his statement later this month.

Mr. Carter-Jones

Since the hon. Gentleman and the Government are concerned to support voluntary organisations will he explain why there has been a delay? Since the hon. Gentleman is a great admirer of the Secretary of State for Industry, and since this was his idea, why does he not encourage it?

Dr. Vaughan

There is a general view throughout the House that many CHCs have done a good job and have brought to the attention of health authorities the views of voluntary organisations. We are mindful of the role that CHCs have carried out and would wish to support them.

Mr. Adley

Does my hon. Friend believe that, to be effective, a community health council needs to be local? Is he aware that in my constituency there is widespread dissatisfaction with the Southampton and South-West Hampshire community health council because Southampton and its suburbs always get their own way? When my hon. Friend looks at reorganisation will he do his best to ensure that no single centre of large population will be allowed to get its own way at the expense of the rural areas?

Dr. Vaughan

I am aware of the concern felt by my hon. Friend. We shall certainly look at this when we consider the future of CHCs.

Mr. Rooker

Can the Minister say that when the Secretary of State makes his statement later this month it will be given orally in the House?

Mr. Nicholas Winterton

Under privilege.

Mr. Rooker

That is what we want to know today. Does the hon. Gentleman further appreciate that the widespread support for community health councils goes wider than the bodies he mentioned and that support also comes from all political parties at grass roots level? [Interruption.] Just because some community health councils—

Mr. Speaker

Order. The hon. Member for Birmingham Perry Barr (Mr. Rooker) must be allowed to put his question.

Mr. Rooker

Finally, does the hon. Gentleman accept that, just because some community health councils occasionally upset bureaucrats and administrators in local authorities and in the National Health Service, that is not a reason for abolishing CHCs? It is a reason for keeping them.

Dr. Vaughan

The hon. Gentleman will appreciate that I had some difficulty in hearing part of his question and, perhaps, the reason for that. I ask hon. Members to wait until my right hon. Friend makes his statement which will be an oral statement.