HC Deb 06 February 1980 vol 978 c469

(Amendments to Standing Orders) Standing Order 1, line 77, leave out '1889' and insert '1978'. Standing Order 1, line 105, after '59', insert 'and 152'. Standing Order 5, line 31, at end insert 'and (e) where it is proposed by the bill to stop up or divert any specified public foot-path or bridleway, a general description of that foot-path or bridleway' Standing Order 39, line 10, leave out 'the Department of Prices and Consumer Protection'. Standing Order 39, line 36, leave out 'Parliament Street' and insert 'Whitehall'. Standing Order 39, line 38, leave out 'in'. Standing Order 51, line 6, after 'foot-path', insert 'or bridleway,'. Standing Order 146, leave out lines 1 to 10. Standing Order 209, line 4, after 'clock' insert 'or, on a Friday, between half-past nine o'clock and three o'clock).'.

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