HC Deb 01 December 1980 vol 995 cc13-4
13. Mr. Ioan Evans

asked the Secretary of State for Trade what further proposals will be brought to increase competition.

27. Mr. Neubert

asked the Secretary of State for Trade whether he has any further proposals to strengthen free and fair competition.

Mrs. Sally Oppenheim

The Competition Act 1980 provides an important new instrument for the defence and promotion of competition and we must give it time to work. The need for further measures is under review.

Mr. Evans

Does the Minister realise that the Government's economic policies are resulting in our international competitors moving in and taking over the home market? Does the right hon. Lady realise that unemployment now totals over 2 million, that it is rising by 120 every hour and that 600 companies are closing each month? Does she accept that the Government's policy has resulted in 12,000 price increases this year alone? Is that a successful policy?

Mrs. Oppenheim

I am aware that the Government's economic policies are resulting in a more competitive home market which is in the interests of consumers—both those who work and those who live on their savings.

Mr. Neubert

At a time of world recession, which gives added importance to fair competition between countries rather than companies, wig my right hon. Friend ask the Director General of Fair Trading to examine the whole range of unfair trading practices exercised by our foreign competitors, often with the connivance of their Governments, which are the source of widespread and persistent complaints in British industry?

Mrs. Oppenheim

The director general can examine matters which are proper for him to examine under British law. However, such matters are primarily the responsibility of other divisions in my Department.

Mr. William Hamilton

Is the Minister satisfied with the competition among brewers in respect of beer prices?

Mrs. Oppenheim

The question of uncompetitive practices among brewers, or any practices which undermine competition and which are not in the public interest, are for the Director General of Fair Trading under the Competition Act, or for the Monopolies Mergers Commission.

Mr. Hill

Is not my right hon. Friend missing the true message—that design, quality, pricing and delivery of goods is the best competitive factor that we can put before the people?

Mrs. Oppenheim

I agree with my hon. Friend. People will buy products which are good value, reliable and of the quality which they require. Our job is to ensure that the choice is as wide as possible. British industry is producing Rich goods to a greater extent and that is why they are exporting more in many instances.

Mr. Clinton Davis

In the absence of the Minister responsible for shipping, will the right hon. Lady indicate what her Government are prepared to do about the unfair competition provided by flags of convenience, which is having a weakening effect upon our shipping industry?

Mrs. Oppenheim

I require notice of such a question.