HC Deb 07 August 1980 vol 990 cc825-6

Lords amendment: No. 53, in page 40, line 33, leave out from "section to first"to" in line 35.

Mr. Rifkind

I beg to move, That this House dot hagree with the Lords in the said amendment.

Mr. Deputy Speaker

With this we may take Lords amendment No. 54.

Mr. Rifkind

These amendments are concerned with the effects of the problem that arose in determining a fair rent. Instead of the words knowledge and experience of current rents … in the area being used, it is felt more appropriate that the word "circumstances" should be used in order to avoid any suggestion that the primary emphasis is to be given to this knowledge and experience to the possible exclusion of other methods of assessment.

Mr. Millan

This is matter on which I made a short speech on Report when the Government wished to make a certain change in the Bill that I thought, in one respect, was slightly mistaken, although I approved the general intention of the Government provisions. I am glad to say that the other place accepted my point. I have already acknowledged this fact to the Minister in a letter. I am glad to know that the Government have acknowledged the point. I am grateful.

Question put and agreed to.

Lords amendments Nos. 54 and 55 agreed to.

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