HC Deb 30 April 1980 vol 983 cc1369-71
16. Mrs. Faith

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he has any plans to bring forward provision for the designation of caravan sites on a district, as opposed to a county basis.

Mr. Monro

We are prepared to consider a provision for the designation of districts whenever a suitable legislative opportunity occurs.

Mrs. Faith

I welcome the answer, but is the Minister aware that councils such as the South Derbyshire district council, in my own constituency, which has been generous and hospitable and has provided adequate provision for gipsies, is extremely disappointed at the delay and is still hoping that designation of district councils will be inserted at some stage into the Local Government, Planning and Land (No. 2) Bill or, if this is not possible, that this designation should be given priority early in the next Session?

Mr. Monro

I am grateful to my hon. Friend for her question. I know that she has taken a great interest, through correspondence with me, in this very sensitive subject. But, now that there seems to be a general agreement within local authorities that designation is desirable on a district level, when a suitable legislative opportunity occurs we shall take it.

Mr. Newens

Does the Minister recognise that it is unfair to those authorities which have designated sites for gipsies then to be told to take on further gipsies, while other authorities are still refusing to provide the sites that the gipsies require? Ought we not now to recognise that there are not enough sites to cater for all the gipsies in the country? These people have a right to be catered for. In those circumstances, has not the time arrived when compulsion should be brought to bear on those authorities which are not meeting this need?

Mr. Monro

I am perfectly well aware, as are many hon. Members, that we are very short of gipsy sites. The initiative must come from the local authorities. They know their own local conditions. If they take the initiative, we can react, but it must come from them. I am certainly not in favour of compulsion.

Dr. Mawhinney

Will the Minister accept that local authorities such as mine, which have provided designated sites, will find it quite unacceptable that they will not be given designation powers, despite the fact that the travelling populace come to Peterborough area in considerable numbers? Is he aware that, combined with the over-lavish expenditure of public finance for the provision of further sites by the Government, the policy is unacceptable?

Mr. Monro

I recognise the problem that many hon. Members have to face. However, until districts are designated, it must be left to counties. If there are sufficient sites, they will be designated.

Mr. Whitehead

As the social problems and population densities of different district councils vary greatly between county authorities, is there not a case—as a result of the difficulties of designation—for allowing greater legislative flexibility in the size of sites?

Mr. Monro

That may well be the right approach. However, at the moment we have no vehicle for such legislation. We shall take the opportunity when it arises.