HC Deb 23 April 1980 vol 983 cc457-8
55. Mr. Straw

asked the Minister for the Civil Service, when next he will meet representatives of the Civil Service Staff Side.

Mr. Channon

I met them yesterday, and I am sure that we shall meet again soon.

Mr. Straw

If the Civil Service is reduced by 70,000 would the Minister welcome that?

Mr. Channon

I should welcome the smallest Civil Service that the country can have which can carry out the tasks which Parliament sets it. I am certain that a smaller and even more efficient civil service would be in the national in- terest and in the interests of the Civil Service.

Mr. Michael Brown

Will my hon. Friend study the replies to a series of written questions to various Government Departments which I have tabled which, while bearing out the good results that he announced this afternoon, show that some Departments are still lagging sadly behind his requirements?

Mr. Channon

Each Department varies. I certainly do not wish to criticise any individual Department. I shall take note of what my hon. Friend says and bear it in mind when considering future policy.

Mr. Cryer

Will the Minister be able to assure the Civil Service Staff Side that before highly-paid jobs in industry or public corporations are offered to senior civil servants such as Mr. Ron Dearing, they will be advertised throughout the Civil Service? May we have assurances that such jobs will not be given to people in a clique working with a particular Secretary of State, but that the jobs will be brought into the open and advertised either generally or throughout the Civil Service?

Mr. Channon

The usual practice for the appointment of the chairmen of nationalised industries will be followed by those of my right hon. Friends who are responsible for appointments. The practice has not varied under successive Governments.

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