HC Deb 31 October 1979 vol 972 cc1228-30
44 Dame Judith Hart

asked the Lord Privy Seal if he will make a statement on the effect of cuts in the aid programme on the strategy of the White Paper "More Aid to the Poorest".

Mr. Neil Marten

As the right hon. Lady knows, current disbursements flow from commitments entered into earlier. Our immediate concern has been to adjust disbursements to keep them within the planned aid programme. We are currently reviewing the future shape of the programme.

Dame Judith Hart

The whole issue is becoming extremely serious. We need a much franker statement from the Government than we heard last night or that we seem likely to be given in the future. When does the hon. Gentleman propose to give us a clear statement of the changes in aid strategy that are now taking place as a result of the pretty savage cuts in the aid programme, which replace a real increase of 6 per cent. with a real decrease of 5 per cent?

Mr. Marten

While not entirely agreeing witht those figures, I think that it would be far better if there are any changes, to make them after we have considered the review that is taking place.

Mr. Cormack

May I ask you, Mr. Speaker, to reprove the printer of the Order Paper, on which the name of the questioner was misprinted? May I ask my hon. Friend for an assurance that aid to Cambodia will be maintained during the present crisis?

Mr. Marten

Yes, Sir. The aid will be maintained.

Mr. Greville Janner

Will the Minister assure the House that he will not include in his cuts the programme for matching grants to desperately poor villages, such as those in Gujerat about which I spoke to him concerning the request of the Chief Minister? The aid programme is a means of bringing help to those who need it most.

Mr. Marten

I cannot give an assurance about all matching grants. But they will be looked at most carefully.

Mr. W. Benyon

Will my hon. Friend give us an assurance that in future aid will be given to our friends and not to our enemies?

Mr. Marten

First, when there is a deserving case we shall give aid to our friends. We shall obviously consider the second category mentioned.

Miss Boothroyd

Under what criteria does the Minister operate in deciding which projects are being abandoned before he discusses them with the possible recipient countries?

Mr. Marten

They are not decided beforehand. They are thought about, and discussions then take place.