HC Deb 23 May 1979 vol 967 cc1034-5
10. Mr. Canavan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he will make a statement about the teachers' salaries claim.

Mr. Alexander Fletcher

A further meeting of the Scottish Teachers Salaries Committee has been arranged for 25 May, and I hope that progress will be made then towards a satisfactory conclusion of the negotiations.

Mr. Canavan

So as to reach a speedy settlement, will the Government accept in principle that the teachers need 42½ per cent. to restore their salaries to what they were at the time of the Houghton report? Is it true that when this and other vital education matters were debated last week, in the first major debate on education in this Parliament, the new Minister with responsibility for education in Scotland played truant so as to go to the cup final at Hampden Park?

Mr. Fletcher

I do not think that the latter remark has anything to do with the question. I have various responsibilities at the Scottish Office, including sport, which I think are important. The negotiating committee will meet on Friday. It would be inappropriate for me to forecast the discussions that will take place there.

Mr. Foulkes

Will the hon. Gentleman give an assurance that the cost of the settlement will be included in the rate support grant settlement to the local authorities?

Mr. Fletcher

The cost of the settlement will be included in the rate support grant. It will also be included in the Government's revisions of public expenditure generally, where amendments are necessary.