HC Deb 30 March 1979 vol 965 c884

Amendments made: No. 4 in page 5, line 11, leave out '£3,000' and insert '£2,000'.

No. 5, in page 5, line 15, leave out '£3,000' and insert '£2,000'.—[Mr. Pavitt].

Mr. Denzil Davies

I beg to move amendment No. 6, in page 5, line 35, at beginning insert 'Subject to any provision in the rules of a credit union as to voting by a chairman who has a casting vote,'. This amendment meets the point raised in Committee by the right hon. Member for Down, South (Mr. Powell) regarding the casting vote of the chairman. It will allow a credit union to choose whether its chairman should abstain on first votes or have a second vote in the case of ties. It should clear up the uncertainty which was raised in Committee.

The model rule proposed by the British credit unions suggests that the chairman should abstain on first votes. The model rule of the Irish League suggests that he should not but that he should have a second vote, if necessary. I think that the proposed amendment makes either rule acceptable.

Mr. Powell

It is perhaps ironical that there is a difference within the movement in rules in this respect and that the Great Britain rule conforms with that of this House, whereby the chairman, who has a casting vote, does not in fact vote. I think that is perhaps more correct than"abstains", when not using his casting vote. At any rate this amendment will enable the credit unions to have the matter perfectly clear in their rules as it ought to be.

Amendment agreed to.

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