HC Deb 26 March 1979 vol 965 cc37-9
Mr. Kilroy-Silk

I beg to ask leave to move the Adjournment of the House, under Standing Order No. 9, for the purpose of discussing a specific and important matter that should have urgent consideration, namely, the threatened redundancies at BICC Connollys and Akzo Chemie, Kirkby. The threatened loss of a further 700 jobs at BICC Connollys in Kirkby added to the 100 announced on Friday at Akzo Chemie and the potential loss of 650 jobs at the Kirkby workers' co-operative will have disastrous and catastrophic consequences for the town of Kirkby and for the Merseyside region.

Merseyside already has an unemployment rate of 12 per cent.—twice the national average. The unemployment rate in Kirkby is over 20 per cent. We cannot afford any further job losses—certainly not of this six size and nature. The life-blood of the town and, indeed, of the region is being remorselessly drained away, leaving rows of derelict, empty factories, a demoralised work force and a town which is rapidly losing hope.

The threatened closure of both BICC Connollys and Akzo Chemie in Kirkby is a dramatic demonstration of the failure of private enterprise in regions of high unemployment. We need to debate that problem now, as a matter of urgency. We need to debate it in order that we can have from the Government a clear and specific statement of their intent and of the steps that they propose to take to attempt to avert the closure of BICC, Akzo Chemie and the Kirkby workers' cooperative. We want a statement from the Government on their proposals for providing alternative industry and job opportunities in Kirkby and on Merseyside. At this important juncture in our industrial history in Kirkby and on Merseyside, we need to hear the Government announce that they have reconsidered their decision not to give further financial assistance to the Kirkby workers' co-operative.

I do not believe that the House or the Government can stand idly by and watch further massive job losses in Kirkby and on Merseyside. Therefore, I ask you, Mr. Speaker, to grant this debate so that we may have a statement and action now on a matter which I submit is very specific, extremely important and exceedingly urgent.

Mr. Speaker

The hon. Member for Ormskirk (Mr. Kilroy-Silk) gave me notice before 12 o'clock this morning that he would seek leave to move the Adjournment of the House for the purpose of discussing a specific and important matter that he believes should have urgent consideration, namely, the threatened redundancies at BICC Connollys and Akzo Chemie, Kirkby". As the hon. Member knows, I am obliged, under Standing Order No. 9, to take into account the several factors set out in the order, but to give no reasons for my decision.

I listened with care to the hon. Member, but I have to rule that his submission does not fall within the provisions of the Standing Order. Therefore, I cannot submit his application to the House.