HC Deb 15 March 1979 vol 964 cc684-6
6. Mr. Spence

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what plans he has to meet the chairman of the Potato Marketing Board.

Mr. Bishop

My right hon. Friend has no specific plans for a meeting at present, but officials of my Department are frequently in touch with the chairman and officials of the Potato Marketing Board.

Mr. Spence

In view of that reply, will the Minister take the earliest opportunity to settle the support prices for ware potatoes for this coming season? Will he confirm that he realises how urgent it is for growers to have the price structure before them before they put their valuable work and labour into their crop?

Mr. Bishop

I appreciate the hon. Gentleman's concern about the urgency of knowing where we stand in the future, but I think he will accept that it is a little too early to talk about what form of support will operate for the 1979 crop. We have been working to get some ideas from the Community about the future of the potato regime. That is one factor. We also need to know the ruling of the European Court on the import ban.

Mr. Corbett

Can my right hon. Friend encourage the Potato Marketing Board to do what it can to assist with the better marketing and grading of ware potatoes at all levels in order to help our own growers? Is he able to confirm that this aspect will be covered by the committee of inquiry into marketing, which his right hon. Friend announced in the White Paper"Farming and the Nation "?

Mr. Bishop

I take note of my hon. Friend's concern, and I shall bear in mind his views about the marketing side.

Mr. Welsh

Will the right hon. Gentleman arrange a meeting between British Rail and the Potato Marketing Board, to secure a better service for the potato industry? Is he aware of the present massive shortage of wagons in Scotland to meet the peak needs of the seed potato trade with England, which is causing great problems for the merchants? Will he take action to secure a better British Rail service for the potato industry?

Mr. Bishop

I take note of the hon. Gentleman's comments about the transport of potatoes. As for the organisation of the Scottish seed producers, the interests concerned have been examining the possibility of forming a body to improve the marketing of Scottish seed potatoes. I understand that there has been no decision from the industry about the form that such an organisation should take. Of course, we shall be interested to see the proposals in due course. No doubt the aspects that the hon. Gentleman has raised will be relevant.