HC Deb 18 July 1979 vol 970 c1751
1. Mr. McCrindle

asked the Minister of Transport if he plans to introduce legislation amending the Road Traffic Acts and requiring insurance against material damage to be effected.

The Minister of Transport (Mr. Norman Fowler)

I have no such plans at present.

Mr. McCrindle

Is it not unfortunate that a motorist can cause material damage either to another vehicle or to propperty and, by failing to involve his insurer, make certain that there can be no redress for the victim other than through the courts—and that often against a man of straw? Does my right hon. Friend agree that there is a case for extending the requirement of the Road Traffic Acts to include not only personal injury but damage to property? Are we not bound to do that under a 1972 EEC directive?

Mr. Fowler

It is true that most Common Market countries have that requirement. That is not necessarily conclusive, but I shall certainly examine the situation.