§ 20. Mr. Torneyasked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what is his policy towards the current British Poultry Federation scheme for the implementation of the poultry meat hygiene regulations; and if it favours the continuance of this scheme.
§ Mr. WigginI welcome the scheme which the British Poultry Federation and local authorities have operated for setting up the poultry meat inspection service. This is essentially a matter between the British Poultry Federation and the local authorities but I should be happy to see its continuation.
§ Mr. TorneyMay I take it that the Minister means that the Government will continue to pay half of the cost of implementing the scheme? If the Government do not intend to do that, is he aware that that will make the British poultry industry uncompetitive with the rest of Europe? Will he bear in mind that other European countries pay at least half if not the whole cost of the scheme?
§ Mr. WigginI understand that the relative inspection schemes in the various countries are difficult to compare. The industry's application for continuing assistance is currently under consideration.