HC Deb 11 July 1979 vol 970 cc447-8
4. Mr. Frank Allaun

asked the Lord Privy Seal if the pilot scheme for political education on the value of NATO for 17 to 19-year-old pupils sponsored by the European Atlantic Movement, partly financed by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, has been published; if not, whether it will be published; which schools are taking part; if local councillors and parents have been consulted; and if he will make a statement.

The Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Mr. Douglas Hurd)

This scheme, which is part of an international experiment, is still being tested. The organisers have not yet decided whether it merits publication. Six educational institutions in this country are taking part in the experiment. I am writing to the hon. Gentleman with further details.

Mr. Allaun

As brainwashing of youth by a pressure group is unprincipled, will the Minister immediately ban this blatant exercise in indoctrination? How can we, or the Minister, expect objectivity on NATO from its foremost advocates?

Mr. Hurd

I find that a most extraordinary approach. NATO is a organisation to which Britain has belonged for 30 years, with the support of all parties in this House. Surely there is everything to be said for the widest possible discussion of its purpose and policy.

Mr. Whitney

The remarks of my hon. Friend will receive the support of all Members on this side of the House and all those in the country who recognise the contribution to peace that NATO has made in the past 30 years and hopes to make during the next 30 years, provided that the hon. Member for Salford, East (Mr. Allaun) does not have his way.

Mr. Hurd

I quite agree. It is up to the schools to decide whether they wish to pursue this. It is not for the Government. I entirely endorse my hon. Friend's remarks.

Mr. Hal Miller

Will the Minister ensure that these proposals are judged on their merits? Will he bear in mind that it is the responsibility of all politicians and political parties in this country to ensure that our young people understand all the angles and differing views about Britain's participation in NATO and the vital part that our participation plays in maintaining freedom?

Mr. Hurd

I quite agree, and I am grateful for my hon. Friend's support.

Mr. Cormack

Will my hon. Friend tell the hon. Member for Salford, East (Mr. Allaun) that he would not have the opportunity to make the nauseating statements that he makes regularly if it had not been for NATO over the last 30 years?

Mr. Hurd

That is, of course, entirely true.

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