HC Deb 11 July 1979 vol 970 cc615-22

Queen's recommendation as having been signifiedThat the following provisions about salaries and pensions of Members of this House be made— (1) The salary payable to Members of each of the descriptions in the first column of Table 1 below—

  1. (a) in respect of service on and after 13th June 1979 and before 13th June 1980 shall be at the yearly rate specified in relation to that description in the second column of that Table; and
  2. (b) in respect of service on and after 13th June 1980 and before 13th June 1981 shall be at the yearly rate specified in relation to that description in the third column of that Table; and
  3. (c) in respect of service on and after 13th June 1981 shall be at the yearly rate specified in relation to that description in the fourth column of that Table.

Description of Member Yearly rate of salary from 13th June 1979 to 12th June 1980 Yearly rate of salary from 13th June 1980 to 12th June 1981 Yearly rate of salary from 13th June 1981
1. Member not within any other paragraph. £9,450 £10,725 £12,000
2. Member receiving a salary under the Ministerial and other Salaries Act 1975 as Comptroller or Vice-Chamberlain of Her Majesty's Household, junior Lord of the Treasury or Assistant Government or Opposition Whip. £5,820 £6,410 £7,000
3. Officer of this House or Member, other than Member of the Cabinet, receiving any other salary under the Act of 1975, or receiving a pension under section 26 of the Parliamentary and other Pensions Act 1972. £5,650 £6,325 £7,000
4. Member of the Cabinet receiving salary under the Act of 1975. £5,265 £6,130 £7,000

(2) The ordinary salary of every Member in respect of service on and after 13th June 1979 shall be regarded for pension purposes as being at the rate of £12,000.

(3) Members of each of the descriptions in the first column of Table 2 shall be credited—

  1. (a) by way of supplement to their salaries payable in respect of service on or after 13th June 1979 and before

Motion made, and Question put forth-with, pursuant to Order this day,

  1. 13th June 1980 with amounts at the yearly rate specified in relation to that description in the second column of that Table;
  2. (b) by way of supplement to their salaries payable in respect of service on or after 13th June 1980 and before 13th June 1981 with amounts at the yearly rate specified in relation to that description in the third column of that Table.

Description of Member Yearly rate of supplement from 13th June 1979 to 12th June 1980 Yearly rate of supplement from 13th June 1980 to 12th June 1981
1. Member within paragraph 1 or 2 of Table 1 who draws the whole of his salary. £153.00 £76.50
2. Member within paragraph 1 or 2 of Table 1 who does not draw the whole of his salary. £153.00 plus 6 per cent. of the amount forgone, but not together exceeding £173.59. £76.50 plus 6 per cent. of the amount forgone, but not together exceeding £97.09.
3. Member within paragraph 3 or 4 of Table 1 except one in whose case no deduction is required to be made under section 3 or 4 of the Act of 1972.—[Mr. St. John-Stevas.] £173.59 £97.09

Question agreed to.

Motion made, and Question put forth-with, pursuant to Order this day,


Resolved, That, in the opinion of this House, the limit on the allowance payable to any Member of this House in respect of the aggregate expenses incurred for his Parliamentary duties—

  1. (a) as general office expenses;
  2. (b) on secretarial assistance; and
  3. (c) on research assistance for work undertaken in the proper performance of those duties;
should be, for the year ending 31st March 1980, £4520, and for any subsequent year £4600.—[Mr. St. John-Stevas.]

Question agreed to.


Queen's recommendation having been signified

Motion made, and Question put forth-with, pursuant to Order this day, That, if an Order in Council is made under subsection (3A) of section 4 of the Parliamentary and other Pensions Act 1972 directing that for the purposes of subsection (2) or (3) of that section any salary payable to a participant under section 2 of that Act be regarded as being payable at a higher rate, provision be made for enabling each participant to recover out of sums voted for the appropriate service an amount equal to 5 per cent, of the difference between the salary which is payable to him and that higher salary.—[Mr. St. John-Stevas.]

Question agreed to.

Motion made, and Question put forthwith, pursuant to Order this day,
That the draft Ministerial and other Salaries and Pensions Order 1979, which was laid before this House on 6 July, be approved—[Mr. St. John-Stevas.]
The House divided: Ayes 318. Noes 26.
[...] [...] [...]
Adley, Robert Cowans, Harry Howell, Rt Hon Denis (B'ham, Sm H)
Alexander, Richard Dalyell, Tam Howells, Geraint
Alison, Michael Davies, Rt Hon Denzil (Llanelli) Hughes, Mark (Durham)
Ancram, Michael Davies, E. Hudson (Caerphilly) Hughes, Roy (Newport)
Archer, Rt Hon Peter Davies, Ifor (Gower) Hunt, David (Wirral)
Armstrong, Ernest Davis, Terry (B'rm'ham, Stechford) Hurd, Hon Douglas
Ashley, Jack Dewar, Donald Irving, Charles (Cheltenham)
Ashton, Joe Dickens, Geoffrey Jay, Rt Hon Douglas
Atkins, Rt Hon H. (Spelthorne) Dixon, Donald Jenkin, Rt Hon Patrick
Atkins, Robert (Preston North) Dormand, J. D. Jessel, Toby
Atkinson, David (B'mouth, East) Douglas, Dick Johnson, James (Hull West)
Bagier, Gordon A. T. du Cann, Rt Hon Edward Johnson Smith, Geoffrey
Baker, Kenneth (St. Marylebone) Dunn, Robert (Dartford) Jones, Rt Hon Alec (Rhondda)
Baker, Nicholas (North Dorset) Durant, Tony Jones, Barry (East Flint)
Banks, Robert Edwards, Rt Hon N. (Pembroke) Jones, Dan (Burnley)
Barnett, Rt Hon Joel (Heywood) Emery, Peter Jopling, Rt Hon Michael
Beith, A. J. Ennals, Rt Hon David Joseph, Rt Hon Sir Keith
Bendall, Vivian Evans, John (Newton) Kaberry, Sir Donald
Benn, Rt Hon Anthony Wedgwood Ewing, Harry Kilroy-Silk, Robert
Benyon, W. (Buckingham) Eyre, Reginald King, Rt Hon Tom
Berry, Hon Anthony Fairbairn, Nicholas Kinnock, Neil
Bevan, David Gilroy Fairgrieve, Russell Kitson, Sir Timothy
Booth, Rt Hon Albert Finsberg, Geoffrey Lamborn, Harry
Boothroyd, Miss Betty Fletcher, Alexander (Edinburgh N) Lamont, Norman
Boscawen, Hon Robert Fletcher-Cooke, Charles Lang, Ian
Bottomley, Peter (Woolwich West) Fookes, Miss Janet Lawrence, Ivan
Bowden, Andrew Foot. Rt Hon Michael Lawson, Nigel
Boyson, Dr Rhodes Forman, Nigel Leadbitter, Ted
Braine, Sir Bernard Forrester, John Lee, John
Bright, Graham Foster, Derek Le Marchant, Spencer
Brinton, Timothy Foulkes, George Lloyd, Ian (Havant & Waterloo)
Brittan, Leon Fowler, Rt Hon Norman Lloyd, Peter (Fareham)
Brocklebank-Fowler, Christopher Fox, Marcus Lofthouse, Geoffrey
Brooke, Hon Peter Fraser, Peter (South Angus) Loveridge, John
Brotherton, Michael Galbraith, Hon T. G. D. Lyell, Nicholas
Brown, Hugh D. (Provan) Gardner, Edward (South Fylde) Mabon, Rt Hon Dr J. Dickson
Brown, Michael (Brigg & Sc'thorpe) Garrett, John (Norwich S) McCartney, Hugh
Brown, Robert C. (Newcastle W) Garrett, W. E. (Wallsend) McGuire, Michael (Ince)
Browne, John (Winchester) George, Bruce Mackay, John (Argyll)
Bruce-Gardyne, John Gilmour, Rt Hon Sir Ian MacKenzie, Rt Hon Gregor
Bryan, Sir Paul Ginsburg, David Macmillan, Rt Hon M. (Farnham)
Buchanan-Smith, Hon Alick Glyn, Dr Alan McMillan, Tom (Glasgow, Central)
Bulmer, Esmond Gow, Ian McNamara, Kevin
Butler, Hon Adam Gower, Sir Raymond McQuarrie, Albert
Cadbury, Jocelyn Graham, Ted Madel, David
Callaghan, Rt Hon J. (Cardiff SE) Grant, Anthony (Harrow C) Major, John
Callaghan, Jim (Middleton & P) Grant, George (Morpeth) Marland, Paul
Carlisle, John (Luton West) Gray, Hamish Marlow, Antony
Carlisle, Kenneth (Lincoln) Grimond, Rt Hon J. Marshall, Michael (Aru[...])
Carlisle, Rt Hon Mark (Runcorn) Grist, Ian Marten, Neil (Banbury)
Carmichael, Neil Grylls, Michael Martin, Michael (Gl'gow, Springb[...]
Channon, Paul Gummer, John Selwyn Mather, Carol
Chapman, Sydney Hampson, Dr Keith Maude, Rt Hon Angus
Clark, David (South Shields) Hannam, John Mawby, Ray
Clark, William (Croydon South) Harrison, Rt Hon Walter Mawhinney, Dr Brian
Clarke, Kenneth (Rushcliffe) Haselhurst, Alan Mayhew, Patrick
Clegg, Walter Hattersley, Rt Hon Roy Mellish, Rt Hon Robert
Cocks, Rt Hon Michael (Bristol S) Havers, Rt Hon Sir Michael Millan, Rt Hon Bruce
Cohen, Stanley Hawksley, Warren Mills, Peter (West Devon)
Coleman, Donald Hayhoe, Barney Miscampbell, Norman
Colvin, Michael Heseltine, Rt Hon Michael Mitchell, David (Basingstoke)
Concannon, Rt Hon J. D. Higgins, Terence L. Mitchell, R. C. (Soton, Itchen)
Conlan, Bernard Hogg, Hon Douglas (Grantham) Monro, Hector
Cook, Robin F. Hogg, Norman (E Dunbartonshire) Moore, John
Cope, John Home Robertson, John Morris, Rt Hon Alfred (Wythenshawe)
Cormack, Patrick Hooson, Tom Morris, Rt Hon Charles (Openshaw)
Costain, A. P. Howell, Rt Hon David (Guildford) Morris, Rt Hon John (Aberavon)
Morris, Michael (Northampton, Sth) Rossi, Hugh Tinn, James
Morrison, Hon Charles (Devizes) Royle, Sir Anthony Townend, John (Bridlington)
Morrison, Hon Peter (City of Chester) Sainsbury, Hon Timothy Townsend, Cyril D. (Bexleyheath)
Moyle, Rt Hon Roland St. John Stevas, Rt Hon Norman Trippier, David
Mudd, David Sandelson, Neville Trotter, Neville
Myles, David Scott, Nicholas Urwin, Rt Hon Tom
Nelson, Anthony Sever, John Vaughan, Dr Gerard
Newton, Tony Shaw Michael (Scarborough) Viggers, Peter
Nott, Rt Hon John Sheerman, Barry Waddington, David
Oakes, Gordon Shepherd, Colin (Hereford) Wainwright, Richard (Colne Valley)
O' Halloran, Michael Shersby, Michael Wakeham, John
O'Neill, Martin Shore Rt Hon Peter (Step and Pop) Walker-Smith, Rt Hon Sir Derek
Onslow, Cranley Silkin, Rt Hon John (Deptford) Wall, Patrick
Orme, Rt Hon Stanley Silkin, Rt Hon S. C. (Dulwich) Waller, Gary
Osborn, John Silverman, Julius Watson, John
Page, Rt Hon R. Graham (Crosby) Silvester, Fred Weetch, Ken
Parker, John Sims, Roger Wheeler, John
Parkinson, Cecil Smith, Dudley (War. and Leam'ton) White, Frank R. (Bury & Radcliffe)
Patten, Christopher (Bath) Smith, Rt Hon J. (North Lanarkshire) Whitehead, Phillip
Pavitt, Laurie Snape, Peter Whitelaw, Rt Hon William
Percival, Sir Ian Speed, Keith Whitlock, William
Pollock, Alexander Speller, Tony Whitney, Raymond
Porter, George Spence, John Wickenden, Keith
Prescott, John Spicer, Michael (S Worcestershire) Wiggin, Jerry
Price, Christopher (Lewisham West) Spriggs, Leslie Wigley, Dafydd
Prior, Rt Hon James Sproat, Iain Wilkinson, John
Radice, Giles Stanley, John Willey, Rt Hon Frederick
Raison, Timothy Steen, Anthony Williams, Rt Hon Alan (Swansea W)
Rathbone, Tim Stewart, Rt Hon Donald (W Isles) Williams, Sir Thomas (Warrington)
Rees, Rt Hon Merlyn (Leeds South) Stewart, Ian (Hitchin) Winnick, David
Rees, Peter (Dover and Deal) Stoddart, David Winterton, Nicholas
Rees-Davies, W. R. Stott, Roger Wolfson, Mark
Rhodes James, Robert Stradling Thomas, J. Woodall, Alec
Ridley, Hon Nicholas Straw, Jack Woolmer, Kenneth
Rifkind, Malcolm Summerskill, Hon Dr Shirley Wrigglesworth, Ian
Roberts, Michael (Cardiff NW) Taylor, Mrs Ann (Bolton West) Younger, Rt Hon George
Roberts, Wyn (Conway) Tebbit, Norman
Robertson, George Temple-Morris, Peter TELLERS FOR THE AYES:
Rodgers, Rt Hon William Thomas, Mike (Newcastle East) Lord James Douglas-Hamilton and
Roper, John Thompson, Donald Mr John MacGregor.
Ross, Stephen (Isle of Wight)
Alton, David Field, Frank Rooker, J. W.
Atkinson, Norman (H'gey, Tott'ham) Hardy, Peter Skinner, Dennis
Bidwell, Sydney Haynes, Frank Soley, Clive
Campbell-Savours, Dale Holland, Stuart (L'beth, Vauxhall) Steel. Rt Hon David
Canavan, Dennis McKay, Allen (Penistone) Tilley, John
Cryer, Bob Marshall. Jim (Leicester South) Wells, P. Bowen (Hert'rd & Stev'nage)
Dean, Paul (North Somerset) Pendry, Tom
Ellis, Raymond (NE Derbyshire) Penhaligon, David TELLERS FOR THE NOES
English, Michael Powell, Raymond (Ogmore) Mr James Wellbeloved and
Evans, loan (Aberdare) Roberts, Allan (Bootle) Mr Reg Race

Question accordingly agreed to.