HC Deb 03 April 1979 vol 965 cc1263-4
Mr. John Fraser

I beg to move amendment No. 7, in page 20, line 26, after ' payment', insert ', except in such cases as the Secretary of State may determine,'. This amendment enables the Secretary of State not to charge for the renewal of certificates.

Amendment agreed to.

Mr. John Fraser

I beg to move amendment No. 8, in page 20, line 30, at end insert— ' (1A) Where such an application as is mentioned in paragraph (c) of the last foregoing subsection is made for the renewal of a certificate mentioned in that subsection, the certificate shall continue in force until the Secretary of State gives to the applicant, in such manner as may be prescribed, notice of the Secretary of State's decision with respect to the application.'.

Mr. Deputy Speaker

It will be convenient to take with this Government amendments Nos. 11 and 12.

Mr. John Fraser

These amendments provide that, where there is an application for the renewal of a certificate, the original certificate shall remain in force until the renewal application has been dealt with one way or the other.

Amendment agreed to.

Mr. John Fraser

I beg to move amendment No. 9, in page 20, line 44, leave out sub-paragraph (i).

There was some criticism in Committee that the whole of the machine might be kept in deposit by my weights and measures department. The purpose of requiring deposit provisions is that sometimes it is extremely difficult to describe in words an electronic device. The clause has been softened by a provision to the effect that we shall only require deposit in regard to parts of equipment. It is only for that purpose that this provision applies where such a device cannot be described in the English language.

Mr. Giles Shaw

Will the Minister confirm one point? He seems to have accepted entirely in regard to earlier provisions the representations made by the weights and measures industry about equipment. Will he confirm that the industry is now entirely satisfied with the provisions as listed in the Bill?

Mr. John Fraser

In so far as anybody is entirely satisfied, I believe that the industry can be said to be so satisfied.

Amendment agreed to.

Amendments made: No. 10, in page 21, line 2, leave out 'equipment or'.

No. 11, in page 21, line 13, after' time' insert or by virtue of a notice under subsection (1A) of this section'.

No. 12, in page 22, line 18, at end insert ' subsection (1A) or'.—(Mr. John Fraser.)

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