HC Deb 22 March 1978 vol 946 c1483

Queen's Recommendation having been signified

Resolved, That, for the purposes of any Act of the present Session to empower the British Transport Docks Board to construct, at Derrythorpe and East Butterwick, works consisting of mooring dolphins with interconnecting walkways, it is expedient to authorise the payment out of money provided by Parliament of any expenditure incurred by the Secretary of State—

  1. (a) in reimbursing the Board with such proportion of the costs, charges and expenses reasonably incurred and properly paid by them in connection with the preparation, obtaining and passing of the said Act as is attributable to the provisions of the said Act relating to those works, and
  2. (b) in reimbursing or idemnifying the Board in respect of expenditure or liabilities incurred by the Board under the said Act in connection with those works.—[Mr. Horm.]