HC Deb 14 March 1978 vol 946 cc195-7
1. Mr. Andrew F. Bennett

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science how many education authorities she and her ministerial colleagues visited in the last eight weeks; and with how many she, or her ministerial colleagues, discussed grants for school uniform or means tests.

The Under-Secretary of State for Education and Science (Miss Margaret Jackson)

In the last eight weeks we have met official delegations from education authorities and members of education committees, county or borough councils on 25 occasions, either at the Department or elsewhere. Since these meetings were usually to discuss specific local problems, grant for school uniform or means tests were not usually discussed. However, my hon. Friend will be aware that the views of my right hon. Friend on the subject of moderating school uniform requirements were conveyed to all authorities in England and Wales in May 1977.

Mr. Bennett

I appreciate that answer, but I am sure my hon. Friend realises that there has been much comment in the Press about local authorities removing assistance in the form of school uniform grants. What steps can she take to ensure that local authorities make grants available to families which suffer hardship in providing school uniforms? How soon does she hope to bring forward legislation?

Miss Jackson

The only step that we can take in the present circumstances is to encourage local authorities to use the powers that they have. As my hon. Friend knows, it is a matter solely for their discretion. As my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State has made clear, we hope to bring forward early proposals to clarify the present law. I can go no further at present.

Mr. Fell

The Under-Secretary said that she had discussed many matters. Did she discuss the question of school transport? Roads are becoming desperately dangerous in some areas, and young children sometimes have to walk several miles to school. Did the hon. Lady discuss this problem?

Miss Jackson

These problems sometimes arise, and we are concerned about them. There is a Question on this matter later on the Order Paper.

Mr. Ron Thomas

With regard to ministerial visits, can my hon. Friend make a visit to Avon and discuss with the Tories on the Avon County Council their indefensible policy of charging pupils to go to the swimming baths? The pupils have to pay not only to go into the baths but for transport, which can cost their parents 50p a visit.

Miss Jackson

I have made a number of visits to Avon, where it has been made very clear to me that local people are very concerned about many aspects of financial policies, including this one. As my hon. Friend will know, it is not an easy matter to resolve whether swimming is a normal part of the curriculum. If it is not so regarded, the authority has the right to charge if it chooses.