HC Deb 28 June 1978 vol 952 cc1529-30

9.42 p.m.

Mr. Jim Lester (Beeston)

With permission, I beg to present a petition on behalf of the chemists of England and Wales. The fact that 1 million people have signed the petition in less than four weeks indicates the value placed on their services and the concern felt over the current situation which will be debated tomorrow. The petition reads: 'To the Honourable the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled. The Humble Petition of the undersigned Citizens of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Sheweth—(1) that there are approximately 10,000 chemists engaged in dispensing National Health Service prescriptions throughout England and Wales; (2) that their Representatives have been unable despite two years of negotiation to agree with the Secretary of State for Social Services on a profit margin for dispensing National Health Service prescriptions. Wherefore your Petitioners pray that your Honourable House will support your Petitioners in their desire that the question of the net profit margin of chemists for dispensing National Health Service prescriptions be submitted to arbitration. And your Petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray, etc.'

To lie upon the Table.

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