HC Deb 06 June 1978 vol 951 c20
14. Mr. Adley

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what action he intends to take to further employment opportunities for skilled engineers.

Mr. Harold Walker

The strengthening of a wide range of industry through the industrial strategy should improve employment prospects for skilled engineers. In addition, the temporary employment subsidy has done much to prevent the dispersal of skilled work forces. The small firms employment subsidy, which is to be extended in July, should also help to increase employment in small manufacturing firms.

Mr. Adley

Is the Minister aware, however, that the industrial strategy and the Government's incomes policy, and all the other things he has mentioned, are having the effect of causing skilled engineers quite simply to seek work abroad and that the British aerospace industry has now become one of the primary recruiting grounds for this process?

Is the Minister further aware that a silent crisis is developing among skilled engineers in this country? In spite of the Government's words today on various matters, what will the Minister do to protect the seed corn of the country's economic recovery, if and when it comes?

Mr. Walker

I certainly would not accept what the hon. Gentleman said in the first part of his question. The industrial strategy and the pay policy have done much to bring about the available economic indicators, which I am sure the whole House welcomes.

As to the second part of the hon. Gentleman's question, he will know that a commission has been set up by the Government and is looking into the engineering industry. In addition to that, the Engineering Industry Training Board has put forward new radical and far-reaching proposals for consideration by the engineering industry about ways to reduce apprenticeship periods and to step up the quality of training.