HC Deb 14 July 1978 vol 953 cc1966-7

Lords amendment: No. 11, in page 6, line 7, leave out rebate shall be proportionately reduced and insert rating authority may, if they think fit, reduce the rebate by the proportionate amount or any lesser amount.

Mr. Robert Hughes

I beg to move, That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said amendment.

Mr. Deputy Speaker

With this amendment we may also take Lords amendment no. 23.

Mr. Hughes

These amendments allow rating authorities discretion in the matter of recovery of part of a rebate where for some reason the entitlement to it stops during the currency of the rebate period. At present they would be required to recover under the Bill, but it was pointed out in early discussion in this House that there could well be circumstances in which it might be unreasonable for a rating authority to have to recover amounts either over-allowed or overpaid. One example might be the death of the recipient, but there might be many other examples. For these reasons, I trust that the House will accept the amendments.

Question put and agreed to.

Lords amendments nos. 12 to 15 agreed to.

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