HC Deb 02 February 1978 vol 943 cc702-3
Mr. Kenneth Clarke

On a point of order, Mr. Speaker. You will have heard the Prime Minister and the Leader of the House suggest that the question of a black list of firms should be pursued by way of parliamentary Questions. In fact, before coming into the Chamber for Prime Minister's Questions today, I had been endeavouring to table Questions to individual Departments, and I encountered considerable difficulties of order in getting those Questions accepted—[HON. MEMBERS "Oh!"] As I have not given you notice, Mr. Speaker, could you perhaps give a ruling tomorrow on whether it is in order for a Department to be asked to name those firms which are on that Department's black list and why they have been so blacklisted, and also whether it is in order for the Government to accept Questions and have Questions tabled to update the last information given on 12th January in column 790 of Hansard to the effect that The number of firms for the time being affected by Government discretionary action varies from day to day as up-to-date information comes in about their pay settlements. The number of firms currently blacklisted is 19."—[Official Report, 12th January 1978; Vol. 941, c. 790.] That Answer has been taken as blocking subsequent Questions about how many are on the black list—[HON MEMBERS: "Oh!"]

Mr. Speaker

I shall look at what the hon. Member for Rushcliffe (Mr. Clarke) has raised. I never like answering off the cuff. I shall answer the hon. Gentleman's question tomorrow.

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