HC Deb 12 December 1978 vol 960 cc210-1
4. Mr. Neubert

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science whether Squirrels Heath infant school, Romford, qualifies as substandard by the definition used to determine the 1978–79 school building allocation for improvement and replacement projects.

Miss Margaret Jackson

In allocating the 1978–79 school building programme, account was taken of the number of pupils in pre-1903 primary schools and in pre-1919 secondary schools. Once the allocation is made, it is for the authority to decide which projects to undertake. The use of the pre-1903 criteria, therefore, in no way prevents an authority from deciding to replace a post-1903 school, such as the Squirrels Heath infant school, if it considers that such a school should have priority.

Mr. Neubert

Whatever the Department's definition, will the Minister accept that all who are associated with Squirrels Heath infants' school—parents, staff, governors, teaching associations and non-teaching unions—agree that the school's facilities are inadequate and that there is serious and potentially dangerous overcrowding? In those circumstances why should not a new infants school be included in next year's allocation for replacement projects?

Miss Jackson

I am aware that there is concern at Squirrels Heath. I am also aware that the local authority has already agreed to undertake some work—for example, to improve the toilets and to install a fire alarm system. The school is scheduled for replacement in 1981. That was before the recent announcement of an extra building allocation. Perhaps the local authority will feel able to bring the project forward, but that is a matter for the authority.