HC Deb 02 August 1978 vol 955 cc747-8
16. Mr. Boscawen

asked the Secretary of State for Transport whether he is in a position to announce any preliminary results of his investigation of the Taunton rail accident.

Mr. Horam

We understand from the inspector that the most probable cause of the fire was that some bags of bed linen at the leading end of the first sleeping car had been piled up adjacent to an electric heater. Investigations to confirm this are still proceeding. In the meantime the British Railways Board has taken immediate steps to improve the fire precautions on sleeping cars in advance of the publication of the report on the accident.

Mr. Boscawen

Since the travelling public to and from the West Country have retained their confidence in the safety of British Rail by not making any cancellation of bookings on sleeper services, will the Minister confirm, first, that all possible safety precautions have been taken to prevent another sad tragedy of this kind? Secondly, will he push ahead as fast as possible with making resources available to British Rail to replace old rolling stock on this line?

Mr. Horam

Yes, I certainly can confirm that all possible measures are being taken as regards immediate precautions to help the situation. Perhaps I may briefly list them. The pre-existing regulation about leaving doors unlocked is being stringently enforced. The obstruction of gangways and vestibules by luggage or laundry is being prohibited. All sleeping car attendants have been supplied with an additional fire extinguisher and a hand-held warning horn, and fire precaution notices in three languages are being posted in all sleeping cars. All that is being done immediately.

As regards investment, this is a matter for the British Railways Board, but I am sure that it will have taken the hon. Gentleman's point.

Mr. Ronald Atkins

I understand that the new sleeping car coaches that are being planned are even safer than the present ones but that they could become safer still with additional safeguards. Will the Minister do all he can to encourage British Rail to produce the safest vehicles possible?

Mr. Horam

Again, I am sure that the British Railways Board will have heard with interest what my hon. Friend said and will study the report when it is finally available, which I hope will be as soon as possible consistent with a thorough inquiry, and will look into the design of its sleeping car coaches. In the meantime, some temporary alterations have been made to the heating systems.