HC Deb 19 April 1978 vol 948 cc490-6

Amendment No. 343 proposed: In page 31, line 31, after "1974", insert 'a Scottish Act.'—[Mr. John Smith.]

Question put, That the amendment be made:—

The Committee divided: Ayes 235, Noes 15.

Division No. 179] AYES [5.38 p.m.
Allaun, Frank Castle, Rt Hon Barbara English, Michael
Anderson, Donald Clemitson, Ivor Ennals, Rt Hon David
Archer, Rt Hon Peter Cocks, Rt Hon Michael (Bristol S) Evans, Ioan (Aberdare)
Armstrong, Ernest Cohen, Stanley Evans, John (Newton)
Ashley, Jack Coleman, Donald Ewing, Harry (Stirling)
Ashton, Joe Cook, Robin F. (Edin C) Faulds, Andrew
Atkins, Ronald (Preston N) Corbett, Robin Fernyhough, Rt Hon E.
Atkinson, Norman Cox, Thomas (Tooting) Flannery, Martin
Barnett, Guy (Greenwich) Craigen, Jim (Maryhill) Fletcher, Ted (Darlington)
Barnett, Rt Hon Joel (Heywood) Crawshaw, Richard Foot, Rt Hon Michael
Bates, Alf Cronin, John Ford, Ben
Beith, A. J. Crowther, Stan (Rotherham) Forrester, John
Benn, Rt Hon Anthony Wedgwood Cryer, Bob Fowler, Gerald (The Wrekin)
Bennett, Andrew (Stockport N) Davidson, Arthur Freeson, Rt Hon Reginald
Bidwell, Sydney Davies, Bryan (Enfield N) Freud, Clement
Bishop, Rt Hon Edward Davies, Denzil (Llanelli) Garrett, John (Norwich S)
Blenkinsop, Arthur Davies, Ifor (Gower) George, Bruce
Boardman, H. Deakins, Eric Gilbert, Dr John
Boothroyd, Miss Betty Dean, Joseph (Leeds West) Ginsburg, David
Bottomley, Rt Hon Arthur Dell, Rt Hon Edmund Glyn, Dr Alan
Bray, Dr Jeremy Dempsey, James Gould, Bryan
Brown, Hugh D. (Provan) Dewar, Donald Gourlay, Harry
Brown, Robert C. (Newcastle W) Doig, Peter Graham, Ted
Buchanan, Richard Dormand, J. D. Grant, George (Morpeth)
Butler, Mrs Joyce (Wood Green) Douglas-Mann, Bruce Grant, John (Islington C)
Campbell, Ian Duffy, A. E. P. Grimond, Rt Hon J.
Canavan, Dennis Dunn, James A. Grocott, Bruce
Cant, R. B. Eadie, Alex Hamilton, W. W. (Central Fife)
Carmichael, Neil Edge, Geoff Hardy, Peter
Carter-Jones, Lewis Ellis, John (Brigg & Scun) Harper, Joseph
Harrison, Rt Hon Walter Mason, Rt Hon Roy Smith, John (N Lanarkshire)
Hart, Rt Hon Judith Maynard, Miss Joan Snape, Peter
Healey, Rt Hon Denis Meacher, Michael Spearing, Nigel
Heffer, Eric S. Mellish, Rt Hon Robert Spriggs, Leslie
Hooley, Frank Mikardo, Ian Stallard, A. W.
Horam, John Millan, Rt Hon Bruce Steel, Rt Hon David
Howells, Geraint (Cardigan) Mitchell, Austin Stewart, Rt Hon M. (Fulham)
Hughes, Rt Hon C. (Anglesey) Molloy, William Stoddart, David
Hughes, Roy (Newport) Moonman, Eric Stott, Roger
Hunter, Adam Morris, Alfred (Wythenshawe) Strang, Gavin
Irvine, Rt Hon Sir A. (Edge Hill) Morris, Charles R. (Openshaw) Strauss, Rt Hon G. R.
Irving, Rt Hon S. (Dartford) Morris, Rt Hon J. (Aberavon) Summerskill, Hon Dr Shirley
Jackson, Miss Margaret (Lincoln) Moyle, Roland Swain, Thomas
Janner, Greville Murray, Rt Hon Ronald King Taylor, Mrs Ann (Bolton W)
Jay, Rt Hon Douglas Noble, Mike Thomas, Jeffrey (Abertillery)
Jeger, Mrs Lena Ogdan, Eric Thomas, Mike (Newcastle E)
Jenkins, Hugh (Putney) O'Halloran, Michael Thomas, Ron (Bristol NW)
Johnson, James (Hull West) Orme, Rt Hon Stanley Thorne, Stan (Preston S)
Johnson, Walter (Derby S) Padley, Walter Thorpe, Rt Hon Jeremy (N Devon)
Johnston, Russell (Inverness) Pardoe, John Tierney, Sydney
Jones, Alec (Rhondda) Park, George Tinn, James
Jones, Barry (East Flint) Parker, John Tomlinson, John
Jones, Dan (Burnley) Parry, Robert Torney, Tom
Judd, Frank Price, C. (Lewisham W) Tuck, Raphael
Kaufman, Gerald Price, William (Rugby) Varley, Rt Hon Eric G.
Kelley, Richard Radice, Giles Wainwright, Edwin (Dearne V)
Kilroy-Silk, Robert Rees, Rt Hon Merlyn (Leeds S) Walker, Harold (Doncaster)
Lambie, David Richardson, Miss Jo Walker, Terry (Kingswood)
Lever, Rt Hon Harold Roberts, Albert (Normanton) Ward, Michael
Lewis, Ron (Carlisle) Roberts, Gwilym (Cannock) Watkins, David
Litterick, Tom Robinson, Geoffrey Watkinson, John
Loyden, Eddie Roderick, Caerwyn Weitzman, David
Luard, Evan Rodgers, George (Chorley) Wellbeloved, James
Lyons, Edward (Bradford W) Rooker, J. W. White, James (Pollok)
Mabon, Rt Hon Dr J. Dickson Rose, Paul B. Willey, Rt Hon Frederick
McCartney, Hugh Ross, Rt Hon W. (Kilmarnock) Williams, Rt Hon Alan (Swansea W)
McDonald, Dr Oonagh Rowlands, Ted Williams, Alan Lee (Hornch'ch)
McElhone, Frank Royle, Sir Anthony Williams, Rt Hon Shirley (Hertford)
MacFarquhar, Roderick Ryman, John Wilson, Rt Hon Sir Harold (Huyton)
McGuire, Michael (Ince) Sedgemore, Brian Wilson, William (Coventry SE)
MacKenzie, Rt Hon Gregor Sever, John Wise, Mrs Audrey
Mackintosh, John P. Shaw, Arnold (Ilford South) Woodall, Alec
Maclennan, Robert Sheldon, Rt Hon Robert Woof, Robert
McMillan, Tom (Glasgow C) Shore, Rt Hon Peter Wrigglesworth, Ian
McNamara, Kevin Short, Mrs Renée (Wolv NE) Young, David (Bolton E)
Madden, Max Silkin, Rt Hon John (Deptford)
Magee, Bryan Silkin, Rt Hon S. C. (Dulwich) TELLERS FOR THE AYES
Mallalieu, J. P. W. Silverman, Julius Mr. James Hamilton and
Marshall, Dr Edmund (Goole) Skinner, Dennis Mr. Frank R. While.
Marshall, Jim (Leicester S) Smith, Cyril (Rochdale)
Crawford, Douglas Ross, William (Londonderry) Wigley, Dafydd
Dunlop, John Stewart, Rt Hon Donald Wilson, Gordon (Dundee E)
Evans, Gwynfor (Carmarthen) Thomas, Dafydd (Merioneth)
Ewing, Mrs Winifred (Moray) Thompson, George TELLERS FOR THE NOES:
Henderson, Douglas Watt, Hamish Mrs. Margaret Bain and
MacCormick, Iain Welsh, Andrew Mr. George Reid
Molyneaux, James

Question accordingly agreed to.

Question put, That the clause, as amended, stand part of the Bill:—

The Committee divided: Ayes 223, Noes 12.

Division No. 180] AYES [5.51 p.m.
Allaun, Frank Boardman, H. Cook, Robin F. (Edin C)
Anderson, Donald Boothroyd, Miss Betty Corbett, Robin
Archer, Rt Hon Peter Bottomley, Rt Hon Arthur Cox, Thomas (Tooting)
Armstrong, Ernest Bradley, Tom Craigen, Jim (Maryhill)
Ashley, Jack Brown, Hugh D. (Provan) Crawshaw, Richard
Ashton, Joe Brown, Robert C. (Newcastle W) Cronin, John
Atkins, Ronald (Preston N) Buchanan, Richard Crowther, Stan (Rotherham)
Atkinson, Norman Butler, Mrs Joyce (Wood Green) Cryer, Bob
Barnett, Guy (Greenwich) Campbell, Ian Davidson, Arthur
Bates, Alf Canavan, Dennis Davies, Bryan (Enfield N)
Beith, A. J. Carmichael, Nell Davies, Ifor (Gower)
Benn, Rt Hon Anthony Wedgwood Carter-Jones, Lewis Deakins, Eric
Bennett, Andrew (Stockport N) Castle, Rt Hon Barbara Dean, Joseph (Leeds West)
Bidwell, Sydney Clemitson, Ivor Dell, Rt Hon Edmund
Bishop, Rt Hon Edward Cocks, Rt Hon Michael (Bristol S) Dempsey, James
Blenkinsop, Arthur Cohen, Stanley Dewar, Donald
Dormand, J. D. Lever, Rt Hon Harold Sedgemore, Brian
Douglas-Mann, Bruce Lewis, Ron (Carlisle) Sever, John
Duffy, A. E. P. Litterick, Tom Shaw, Arnold (Ilford South)
Dunn, James A. Loyden, Eddie Shore, Rt Hon Peter
Eadie, Alex Luard, Evan Short, Mrs Renée (Wolv NE)
Edge, Geoff Mabon, Rt Hon Dr J. Dickson Silkin, Rt Hon John (Deptford)
Ellis, John (Brigg & Scun) McCartney, Hugh Silkin, Rt Hon S. C. (Dulwich)
English, Michael McDonald, Dr Oonagh Silverman, Julius
Ennals, Rt Hon David McElhone, Frank Skinner, Dennis
Evans, Ioan (Aberdare) MacFarquhar, Roderick Smith, Cyril (Rochdale)
Evans, John (Newton) McGuire, Michael (Ince) Smith, John (N Lanarkshire)
Ewing, Harry (Stirling) MacKenzie, Rt Hon Gregor Snape, Peter
Faulds, Andrew Mackintosh, John P. Spearing, Nigel
Fernyhough, Rt Hon E. Maclennan, Robert Spriggs, Leslie
Flannery, Martin McMillan, Tom (Glasgow C) Stallard, A. W.
Fletcher, Ted (Darlington) McNamara, Kevin Steel, Rt Hon David
Foot, Rt Hon Michael Madden, Max Stewart, Rt Hon M. (Fulham)
Ford, Ben Magee, Bryan Stoddart, David
Fowler, Gerald (The Wrekin) Mallalieu, J. P. W. Stott, Roger
Freeson, Rt Hon Reginald Marshall, Dr Edmund (Goole) Strang, Gavin
Freud, Clement Marshall, Jim (Leicester S) Strauss, Rt Hon G. R.
Garrett, John (Norwich S) Mason, Rt Hon Roy Summerskill, Hon Dr Shirley
George, Bruce Maynard, Miss Joan Swain, Thomas
Gilbert, Rt Hon Dr John Meacher, Michael Taylor, Mrs Ann (Bolton W)
Ginsburg, David Mellish, Rt Hon Robert Thomas, Jeffrey (Abertillery)
Gould, Bryan Mikardo, Ian Thomas, Ron (Bristol NW)
Gourlay, Harry Millan, Rt Hon Bruce Thorne, Stan (Preston S)
Graham, Ted Mitchell, Austin Thorpe, Rt Hon Jeremy (N Devon)
Grant, George (Morpeth) Molloy, William Tierney, Sydney
Grant, John (Islington C) Morris, Alfred (Wythenshawe) Tinn, James
Grimond, Rt Hon J. Morris, Rt Hon Charles R. Tomlinson, John
Grocott, Bruce Morris, Rt Hon J. (Aberavon) Torney, Tom
Hamilton, James (Bothwell) Moyle, Roland Tuck, Raphael
Hamilton, W. W. (Central Fife) Murray, Rt Hon Ronald King Varley, Rt Hon Eric G.
Hardy, Peter Noble, Mike Wainwright, Edwin (Dearne V)
Harper, Joseph Oakes, Gordon Wainwright, Richard (Colne V)
Harrison, Rt Hon Walter Ogden, Eric Walker, Harold (Doncaster)
Hart, Rt Hon Judith O'Halloran, Michael Walker, Terry (Kingswood)
Heffer, Eric S. Orme, Rt Hon Stanley Ward, Michael
Horam, John Ovenden, John Watkins, David
Howells, Geraint (Cardigan) Padley, Walter Watkinson, John
Hughes, Rt Hon C. (Anglesey) Pardoe, John Weitzman, David
Hunter, Adam Parker, John Wellbeloved, James
Irvine, Rt Hon Sir A. (Edge Hill) Parry, Robert White, James (Pollok)
Irving, Rt Hon S. (Dartford) Price, C. (Lewisham W) Willey, Rt Hon Frederick
Jackson, Miss Margaret (Lincoln) Price, William (Rugby) Williams, Rt Hon Alan (Swansea W)
Janner, Greville Radice, Giles Williams, Alan Lee (Hornch'ch)
Jay, Rt Hon Douglas Rees, Rt Hon Merlyn (Leeds S) Williams, Rt Hon Shirley (Hertford)
Jeger, Mrs Lena Richardson, Miss Jo Wilson, Rt Hon Sir Harold (Huyton)
Jenkins, Hugh (Putney) Roberts, Albert (Normanton) Wilson, William (Coventry SE)
Johnson, James (Hull West) Roberts, Gwilym (Cannock) Wise, Mrs Audrey
Johnson, Walter (Derby S) Robinson, Geoffrey Woodall, Alec
Johnston, Russell (Inverness) Roderick, Caerwyn Woof, Robert
Jones, Alec (Rhondda) Rodgers, George (Chorley) Wrigglesworth, Ian
Jones, Barry (East Flint) Rooker, J. W. Young, David (Bolton E)
Jones, Dan (Burnley) Rose, Paul B.
Judd, Frank Ross, Stephen (Isle of Wight) TELLERS FOR THE AYES:
Kaufman, Gerald Ross, Rt Hon W. (Kilmarnock) Mr. Frank R. White and
Kelley, Richard Rowlands, Ted Mr. Donald Coleman.
Kilroy-Silk, Robert Ryman, John
Crawford, Douglas Stewart, Rt Hon Donald Wilson, Gordon (Dundee E)
Evans, Gwynfor (Carmarthen) Thomas, Dafydd (Merioneth)
Ewing, Mrs Winifred (Moray) Thompson, George TELLERS FOR THE NOES:
Henderson, Douglas Watt, Hamish Mrs. Margaret Bain and
MacCormick, Iain Wigley, Dafydd Mr. Andrew Welsh.
Reid, George

Question accordingly agreed to.

Clause 81, as amended, ordered to stand part of the Bill.

6.0 p.m.

Mr. Wigley

On a point of order, Mr. Murton. I seek to raise a point of order of which I have given you prior notice. It concerns a group of amendments to which we shall be coming later, namely, that group starting with Amendment No. 103, in Clause 83, and running through to Amendment No. 321 on the selection list. That group concerns the referendum and the way that it will affect Ministers.

Amendment No. 103 provides that if it appears to the Secretary of State that fewer than three-fifths of those voting in the referendum have voted "Yes", he shall lay before Parliament the draft of an order.

To that extent, the amendment—in this respect it is different from the terms of the Bill itself—is binding on a Minister of the Crown. Inasmuch as it is binding on a Minister, it is binding on Her Majesty the Queen, since the Minister is acting on behalf of the Queen.

I suggest that the amendment is out of order, in that the Nineteenth Edition of "Erskine May" indicates, on page 523, that amendments should be ruled out of order if they propose changes in legislative procedure which would be contrary to constitutional practice. There is a footnote in which reference is made to what happened on 18th April 1972, when an amendment was selected on the basis specifically of having no binding effect on Government.

I put it to you that the amendments have a binding effect on the Minister and, therefore, on the Queen, and that to this extent they are creating a new parliamentary precedent which would have enormous consequences.

The Chairman

I am grateful to the hon. Member for Caernarvon (Mr. Wigley) for giving me prior notice of the point of order which he desired to raise.

During the proceedings on the Scotland and Wales Bill of last Session, I ruled that the Referendum Act of 1975 had largely destroyed the basis upon which the previous rulings had been given and that it could not now be held that a referendum, whether consultative or effective, represented a change in legislative procedure which would be contrary to constitutional practice. Following this ruling, a new clause having a mandatory effect was moved to that Bill.

In the light of a certain motion which was subsequently put down in criticism of my ruling, Mr. Speaker was good enough to express his support for the action I had taken in terms which were accepted by the House, and the motion was not moved. The hon. Member will find the reference to this in Hansard of 30th March 1977, columns 538 and 539.

Since that date, an amendment to this Session's Scotland Bill, which contained a mandatory provision similar to that contained in the amendment to which the hon. Member has referred was moved, debated and inserted in the Bill. In the light of these developments, I have no hesitation in ruling that the present amendment is in order.

Mr. Wigley

I am grateful for that ruling, which clarifies the issues. May I raise two matters of further clarification in order to help us in our deliberations tonight and in any future sittings? In the light of what you have just said, Mr. Murton, is it your ruling that any amendment seeking to bind the House of Commons could be brought forward in any further proceedings on this Bill on Report or on other Bills which may come before the House, and can you say whether your ruling is based on the Scotland and Wales Bill ruling or on the Scotland Bill which is currently before Parliament?

The Chairman

I regret to inform the hon. Member that I am not prepared to give a ruling on a hypothetical question.

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