HC Deb 17 April 1978 vol 948 cc7-8
6. Mr. Giles Shaw

asked the Secretary of State for Prices and Consumer Protection when he last met the representatives of the National Transport Users' Consultative Committee.

Mr. Maclennan

I met the representatives of the Central Transport Consultative Committee on 7th December 1977.

Mr. Shaw

During those meetings, was the Minister concerned that in the proposals in the Government's White Paper on nationalised industries there would be yet another tier of consultation for transport users? This now makes three such tiers. Is he satisfied that, quite apart from the National Consumer Council, the consumer is obtaining some benefits from these additional tiers of consultation?

Mr. Maclennan

I am not sure what tier the hon. Gentleman has in mind, but, if he is referring to the proposal that we should appoint a national committee, he will appreciate, if he has studied the White Paper, that that amounts simply to a change of name. There is already in existence a Central Transport Consultative Committee, which is a national body.

Mr. Moate

Does the Minister agree that the Transport Users' Consultative Committee should have the right to consider applications for rail fare increases?

Mr. Maclennan

As set out in the White Paper, the Government propose that the prices and tariffs of the British Railways Board should be subject to scrutiny by the Central Transport Consultative Committee and that opportunities should be available to consumers to make representations through that body.

Mrs. Bain

In the scrutiny of such rail fares, will the council have the ability to scrutinise European legislation in view of the possibility of the age for half fares for children being reduced from 14 years to 12 years, which is very much against the interests of the whole community?

Mr. Maclennan

This essentially is a body concerned with national transport charges, but, in so far as European legislation may impinge on national policy, it would be within its general remit to consider the matter.