§ Mr. SpeakerI have further to acquaint the House that the Lord High Chancellor, being one of the High Commissioners, delivered Her Majesty's Most Gracious Speech to both Houses of Parliament, in pursuance of Her Majesty's Command, as follows:
§ My Lords and Members of the House of Commons:
§ I was pleased to welcome Commonwealth leaders in London for the 1977 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, for which My Government were 1473 the hosts. The intensive and friendly discussions there strengthened the Commonwealth relationship and contributed towards the solution of certain international problems.
§ My Government played an active and constructive part in the activities of the European Communities, which included two meetings of the European Council, one in London, and held the Presidency of the Council of Ministers for the first six months of 1977.
§ My Government have played a full and positive role in institutions to promote international development and efforts to create a more just and stable economic order, and in discussions on the problems of world unemployment and inflation; they were hosts to the Downing Street Conference of the leaders of the seven major industrialised countries.
§ Legislation has been passed to enable the United Kingdom to ratify amendments to the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund and to assist United Kingdom trade and the provision of aid for the poorest countries. Special assistance has been given to southern African refugees.
§ My Government have continued their efforts to promote a negotiated settlement in Rhodesia.
§ My Government have been active, in co-operation with other Western members of the Security Council, in working for a settlement in Namibia which will bring the country to independence in a manner which will meet with international acceptance and will give the people a chance to select freely their own government.
§ My Government have continued to attach importance to the development of detente, and of constructive political and economic relations, with the Soviet Union and the countries of Eastern Europe. They have continued to work for mutual and balanced force reductions in Central Europe. They are participating with the Governments of the United States and the Soviet Union in discussions aimed at the negotiation of a comprehensive test ban treaty.
§ My Government were pleased to act as hosts at the ministerial meeting of the 1474 North Atlantic Council which was attended by Heads of Government in London in May, and which established new programmes of work in the political and defence fields
§ Members of the House of Commons:
§ I thank you for the provision which you have made for the honour and dignity of the Crown and for the public services.
§ My Lords and Members of the House of Commons:
§ My Government have given continuing priority to their policy of restraining price levels, and of the fullest possible co-operation to this end with both sides of industry. The second round of voluntary pay policy has been observed throughout the economy, and the way has been prepared for an orderly return to normal collective bargaining. Legislation has been passed to make new provision for the scrutiny and effective control of prices, and a new Price Commission has been appointed. Successful steps have been taken to restore confidence in the financial markets and improve the balance of payments.
§ My Government remain deeply concerned about the continuing high level of unemployment, and have introduced additional employment and training measures to tackle this problem, including the youth opportunities programme.
§ My Government have maintained their policy of strengthening industry through the development of the industrial strategy, through industrial assistance schemes, and through the work of the National Enterprise Board and the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland Development Agencies.
§ Legislation was enacted to bring into public ownership the aircraft and guided weapons, shipbuilding and marine engine building industries. British Shipbuilders has acquired by negotiation a major part of the ship-repairing industry.
§ An Act has been passed to enlarge the Post Office Board so as to allow an experiment in industrial democracy.
§ Legislation has been enacted to give the National Coal Board additional powers and provide the framework for 1475 the further development of the coal industry, and to make further provision for the financing of British Nuclear Fuels Limited and the Radiochemical Centre Limited. My Government are completing the award of licences, all involving majority State participation, under the fifth round of off shore petroleum licensing.
§ Steps have been taken to ensure further safeguards in the management of nuclear waste, and full and public consideration of the problems relating to nuclear development; a public inquiry has been set up to examine the proposal for the construction of an oxide fuel reprocessing plant at Windscale.
§ Legislation has been passed extending United Kingdom fishery limits to 200 miles; tribute is due to the hard work of the fishery protection units in enforcing the new limits
§ A new and favourable Air Services Agreement with the United States of America has been signed.
§ An Act has been passed to reform patent law and to make possible the United Kingdom's participation in certain international agreements, including the European Patent Convention.
§ In Northern Ireland the Royal Ulster Constabulary, supported by My Armed Forces, has continued to enforce the law with impartiality and deserve the highest praise for its success in reducing the level of violence. My Government have maintained the aim of a just and lasting constitutional settlement, and they have taken measures to combat the economic and social problems in the Province, including new incentives for investment.
§ My Government have published Green Papers discussing possible changes in the arrangements for financing local authorities.
§ My Government have continued to develop a housing policy designed to deal more effectively with the most pressing needs and to broaden housing opportunities. Proposals have been published for a comprehensive housing policy for the longer term, and legislation has been enacted to place statutory responsibility for assisting the homeless on local housing authorities.
1476§ My Ministers have announced new initiatives for the regeneration of inner urban areas, including the expansion and adaptation of the urban programme and the offer of partnership arrangements between central Government and selected local authorities.
§ Proposals have been laid before you for strengthening the water industry and for the future of the British Waterways Board.
§ My Government have reviewed the development programme of new towns in England and have established a new programme for their completion.
§ My Government have published a White Paper setting out their proposals for the future development of transport policy to meet economic and social needs. An Act has been passed to provide continued financial support to the British Railways Board and the National Freight Corporation.
§ Provision has been made for increases in social security benefits and war pensions. Legislation was enacted making a number of changes in the field of social security, including supplementary benefit. The new child benefit was brought into payment for all children, including the first.
§ My Government have continued to promote and encourage voluntary effort and a sense of caring in the community and have launched and will sustain a good neighbour campaign aimed at involving the community in the care of its members. I hope that the community spirit fostered by the celebrations of My Jubilee will be strengthened and developed in the years to come.
§ My Government have published a Green Paper setting out proposals on education it schools, with particular regard to the curriculum, standards of performance, the training and employment of teachers and the preparation of pupils for the needs of adult life.
§ An Act has been passed to amend the criminal law, particularly in relation to conspiracy, and to improve its administration; and the process of reforming the law has been continued with the Administration of Justice Act and other measures.
1477§ My Government welcome the passage of the Unfair Contract Terms Act, which marks an important advance in consumer protection. Grants have been made to maintain the provision of help to consumers.
§ Among the Acts passed in relation to Scotland were measures concerned with the modernisation of the law of marriage and with the enforcement of planning procedures.
§ My Lords and Members of the House of Commons:
§ I pray that the blessings of Almighty God may attend you.
Then a Commission for proroguing the Parliament was read; after which the Lord Chancellor said:
My Lords and Members of the House of Commons:
By virtue of Her Majesty's Commission which has now been read, we do, in Her Majesty's Name, and in obedience to Her Majesty's Commands, prorogue this Parliament to Thursday the third day of November, to be then here holden, and this Parliament is accordingly prorogued to Thursday the third day of this instant November.
§ End of the Third Session (opened on 24th November 1976) of the Forty-seventh Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in the Twenty-sixth Year of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second.