HC Deb 29 November 1977 vol 940 cc244-5
Mr. Andrew F. Bennett

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science if she remains satisfied with the levels of grant available to pupils for distinctive clothing—school uniform—educational maintenance allowances, and help with travel to and from school costs; and what steps she is taking to improve this help, particularly to pupils whose parents have very low incomes.

Miss Margaret Jackson

We have never been satisfied with the level of educational welfare benefits available to pupils whose parents have very low incomes and we are continuing to seek ways of improving the arrangements within present financial constraints.

Mr. Bennett

Does my hon. Friend realise that low-income families, faced with the high cost of education, believe that she and her Department have a callous disregard for their problems, since all they get is sympathy and promises but no action? When will my hon. Friend show that she really cares by taking some positive action?

Miss Jackson

As my hon. Friend knows, we have had many discussions with the people involved in this area. It is true to say that we are sympathetic, but many of the steps that my hon. Friend wishes to see carried out would require legislation.

Mr. Madel

Is the Minister aware that part of the Question refers to school transport? In view of the fact that in Bedfordshire children over 14 who live 2.8 miles away from the school have to pay a full bus fare, when will the Government make alterations in the rules governing school transport?

Miss Jackson

We have been trying for a considerable time to get local authorities and their associations to agree to changes in the provision of school transport, but so far they have been unwilling to do so.

Mr. Noble

Is my hon. Friend aware that the transport costs for the parents of disabled children who have to attend special schools a great distance away are often particularly onerous? Will she enter into discussions, particularly with Lancashire County Council, about the anomalies that exist there, where children can be taken to a special school for the deaf in one town yet next door they have to be taken by their parents, who are also of limited means?

Miss Jackson

I shall follow up the point that my hon. Friend has made, but I am not sure whether I entirely understood him to say that in both cases the children were handicapped. We are look-at the general question of school transport.

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