HC Deb 22 November 1977 vol 939 cc1318-20

Ordered, That the Report [17th November] of the Business Committee be now considered.—[Mr. Foot.]

Report considered accordingly.

Question, That this House doth agree with the Committee in their Resolution.—[Mr. Foot.]

put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 43 (Business Committee), and agreed to.

Following is the report of the Business Committee:

Allotted day Proceedings in Committee Time for conclusion
Eighth, ninth and tenth days Clause 61,
Schedules 10 and 11,
Clause 62. 9 p.m. on tenth day
Tenth day Clause 63,
Schedule 12. 11 p.m.
Eleventh day Clauses 64 to 66,
Schedule 13,
Clauses 67 and 68,
Schedule 14,
Clauses 69 to 80,
Schedule 15. 11 p.m.
Twelfth day Clauses 81 to 83,
Schedule 17. 11 p.m.
Thirteenth and fourteenth days New clauses,
new Schedules. 9 p.m. on fourteenth day
Schedule 16. 11 p.m. on fourteenth day