HC Deb 14 November 1977 vol 939 cc6-7
4. Mr. Aitken

asked the Secretary of State for Energy what proposals he is considering for linking the British and French electricity grid systems; and if he will make a statement.

Dr. J. Dickson Mabon

The CEGB is currently conducting preliminary investigations with its French counterparts into the feasibility of a 2,000-MW link between the two systems; and will be letting us have a full report on the technical and economic aspects of the project.

Mr. Aitken

Is the Minister aware that greater cross-Channel power links could come as a most blessed relief to householders who have suffered much misery from the power cuts caused by industrial action, particularly by the mineworkers' and power workers' disputes in the past? Is he also aware that it could save us from the situation being exacerbated by the highly ambiguous attitude to these disputes shown here this afternoon and elsewhere by the Secretary of State?

Dr. Mabon

That is a rather highly partisan attitude towards this important proposition. There are considerable economic advantages, quite apart from those mentioned by the hon. Gentleman, which exist between the two systems because of the diversity of peak demand. I have no doubt that the CEGB will be making that point in its report to us.

Mr. Gwilym Roberts

Accepting how absurd was the previous supplementary question, and the complete ignorance of the hon. Member for Thanet, East (Mr. Aitken) of the relative energy resources of France and Britain, may I ask my right hon. Friend nevertheless to look at this matter seriously in terms, which have been expressed, of exporting coal by wire? This could act as an important stimulant to further investment by the CEGB.

Dr. Mabon

Yes, Sir. The preliminary estimates given to us by the CEGB suggest that up to 1 million tons of coal by wire, as my hon. Friend described it, could be exported annually, depending on the relative base load generating costs. That is a very significant factor.

Mr. Powell

In this connection, will the Minister bear in mind the benefits which would accrue to the Great Britain grid from a link with Northern Ireland, where the capacity of the Kilroot power station greatly exceeds the prospective consumption in the Province?

Dr. Mabon

Yes, Sir. We are considering that.