HC Deb 25 July 1977 vol 936 cc267-8
Mr. du Cann

The second petition, which is signed by well over 1,000 persons—that is to say, by almost every person living in Wiveliscombe and in the environs—asks that a relief road be provided for that most attractive town. The House is familiar with the development of motor traffic. This is a small place. Its roads and streets are narrow and twisting. Without doubt, the inhabitants suffer greatly from the incursion of holiday and commercial traffic. It is to be very much hoped that this most serious problem can be relieved.

The petition reads as follows: To the Honourable the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled. This humble petition of the residents and workers of the town of Wiveliscombe sheweth their wish that a relief road should be provided on a route south of the Recreation Ground for the town in order that the character of this ancient place should be preserved and the local inhabitants enabled to go about their business in safety; Wherefore your Petitioners pray that your honourable House do all in its power to enact legislation to meet your Petitioners' needs. And your Petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray.

To lie upon the Table.

Mr. du Cann

I am grateful for this opportunity to present these two petitions.