HC Deb 13 July 1977 vol 935 c721
Mr. John

I beg to move Amendment No. 91, in page 29, line 1, leave out 'paragraph (a) or (b) or paragraphs (a) and (b)' and insert 'all or any one or more of paragraphs (a) to (c)'.

Mr. Deputy Speaker

With this we may also take Government Amendment No. 92.

Mr. John

This amendment allows us to attach a school attendance order to the supervision order that is imposed upon a juvenile. This is a helpful condition. It is one of a number of measures designed to make supervision orders more effective and to get away from the kind of custodial talk that we had quoted to us on various occasions from different quarters.

Amendment agreed to.

Amendment made: No. 92, in page 29, line 11, at end insert— '(c) if he is of compulsory school age, to comply, for as long as he is of that age and the order remains in force, with such arrangements for his education as may from time to time be made by his parent, being arrangements for the time being approved by the local education authority. Expressions used in paragraph (c) of this subsection and in the Education Act 1944 have the same meaning there as in that Act.'.—[Mr. John.]

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