HC Deb 04 July 1977 vol 934 cc880-1
36. Mr. Spearing

asked the Minister of Overseas Development what proportion of the 45 million units of account recently agreed by the EEC Development Council in Luxembourg for non-associated States in Asia and South America will be devoted to rural development.

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Overseas Development (Mr. John Tomlinson)

It has not yet been decided what proportion of the 45 million units of account will go towards rural development, but all member States appear to be generally in favour of projects in aid of food production in its broadest sense, and the Commission has this need very much in mind.

Mr. Spearing

I thank my hon. Friend for his reply and welcome his sensitivity about the question of food production, but will he not agree that the most important question in rural development relates to subsistence economies where the cash increase to people in need may not be shown? Will he press on his colleagues in the EEC that this is the best and most urgent type of development to help people most in need?

Mr. Tomlinson

I am grateful to my hon. Friend for his observations. I can give him the assurance which he seeks. Not only will the pressure be maintained; it is being made to be felt in the Community.

Mr. Greville Janner

What approaches has my hon. Friend had in this connection from the new Government of India? Can he give an assurance that we, through the EEC and in our own account, will give every assistance we can to them?

Mr. Tomlinson

The interests of India were very much to the forefront in the attitude of the British delegation at the last Meeting of the Council of Development ministers when we pushed very strongly for the proportion of the 45 mua going to the Asian countries to be somewhat larger than that which other countries would have liked to see.