HC Deb 25 April 1977 vol 930 cc716-8
24. Mr. Heffer

asked the Secretary of State for Industry what steps he is taking to create industrial development on Merseyside; what action he has taken; and what are his future plans.

Mr. Cryer

Firms investing in Merseyside already qualify for the full range of regional incentives. In addition, qualifying firms in Merseyside stand to benefit from the various schemes under Section 8 of the Industry Act to encourage investment in specific industries and the new selective investment scheme.

Mr. Heffer

Can my hon. Friend tell me whether the report in the Liverpool Echo regarding the Standard-Triumph company is right? Have the Government recently given support to that company? How many jobs have been secured as a result?

Mr. Cryer

I have not read the issue of the Liverpool Echo to which my hon. Friend refers. I missed it this week. However, I shall take account of his representation, because I know that he is seriously concerned about the position on Merseyside and, together with other Merseyside Labour Members, regularly makes representations about the situation. I shall certainly write to him about it.

Mr. Norman Lamont

Will the Under-Secretary answer the question which the Secretary of State avoided answering earlier, namely, will not the NEB's subsidising of non-profit-making tanning activities endanger the profitable tanning companies on Merseyside?

Mr. Cryer

I think that it is unwise of the hon. Member to comment, but, of course, he is rather fresh on the job and is likely to take such a step. This matter is subject to legal proceedings, and I know that if I attempted to answer, Mr. Speaker, you would intervene.


Sir K. Joseph

I know that my hon. Friend the Member for Kingston upon Thames (Mr. Lamont) would not have wished to pursue any question that you, Mr. Speaker, might rule to be sub judice, but is it for the Under-Secretary to avoid answering a question when what I understand is before the court is a question of ultra vires and when my hon. Friend was asking about the effect of the NEB's purchase of investment in one tanning company on the other tanning companies on Merseyside?

Mr. Speaker

I must confess to the House that I did not know whether the question was sub judice. However, we have now left the matter, and that was the Minister's answer.

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