HC Deb 07 April 1977 vol 929 cc1393-4
10. Mr. Bradford

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will give the commencement date for the renovation of Finaghy Community Centre; and what social amenities are planned for the Mount and Willowfield wards in South Belfast.

Mr. Carter

The decision as to the renovation of the Finaghy Community Centre is the direct responsibility of the Housing Executive, which has carried out a survey on the need for repairs. As for the Mount and Willowfield wards of Belfast, Belfast City Council has plans to provide a community centre in the Woodstock Road area.

Mr. Bradford

I thank the Under-Secretary for that reply, but may I emphasise that the Finaghy Community Centre has been promised renovation for well over 18 months now, and that a very large part of my constituency depends on this building? The Mount and Willow-field wards, on the east side of my constituency, have very few rent or rate debtors, and expect the kind of facilities that obtain in other parts of the city.

Mr. Carter

As the hon. Gentleman will know, the decision to hand over community centres in the ownership of the Housing Executive was taken last October, subject to the city authority and, indeed, other authorities agreeing on the state of repair. There is some dispute at the moment about the state of repair of the Finaghy Community Centre. We hope that it can be resolved, in which case it will be handed over to the city authority and be properly run from that point of time.

Mr. Molyneaux

Will the Minister say whether his Department has reached any conclusion on the submission made to it by the Lisburn Borough Council concerning land for recreational purposes?

Mr. Carter

I had not expected that question, but as it has been put I shall look into it and send the hon. Member a reply.